
To foster qualities such as: self comfidence, Perseverance, physical and mental strength, and a sense of self worth in our divers so they will be more prepared to deal with the world around us.


The Mile High Dive Club (MHDC) is equiped wit a fully functional springboard training facility. Apparatus include: three-meter springboards, one-meter springboard, dryboard, trampoline, port-o-pit, spotting rig, as well as varius other dry-land traning equipment. This variety of equipments allows MHDC to provide the highest level of training for the sport of diving.


MHDC offers training for all levels of athletes, from the beginner to the elite diver. The major levels of the team are outlined below:

  • Developmentsal Team
    Intended for the beginning diver. An excellent place for those athletes who are new to the sport

  • High School Development
    Open to divers who are in 7th to 12th grades. Designed to improve divers for their high school competitive season.
  • Swingers Team
    Designed for the continuing athlete who wants to improve their skills beyond the Developmental and High School Teams, without the yearly commitment of the Competitive or Prep. Teams.
  • Competitive Prep. Team
    Emphasis is put on preparing the athletes for competition. Designed for divers who are interested in competing at the Junior Olympic level.
  • Competitive Team
    Upon completion of the skills designated in the competitive Prep. Team, divers may be invited to this level of the program. Divers on this team will be given the option to travel extensively. The emphasis at this level is on developing athletes for elite competition.
  • Masters
    Open to divers over 24 years of age. Intended for the more mature athlete who is interested in advancing their diving skills. No prior experience is necessary.
  • Travel

    Once athletes reach the competitive level they will be given the opportunity to travel to meets.  This provides the chance for athletes to experience the benefits of travel and to broden their perspectives by seeing different portions of the country.  This year MHDC will travel from coast to coast, including the chance to visit our natioin's capital, Washington DC.




     About the Sport of Diving
    Springboard Diving is primarily and aerial sport using the water as a landing surface.  Flipping and twisting are teh major parts of the sport.  As with any acrobatic sport, the more time spent in the air the better.  Diving utilizes many different kinds of equipment, ranging from the trampoline to the ten-meter platform.  Using this equipment, divers are taught to gracefully fly through the air, sometimes flipping or twisting as many as three and a half times, and then vanish, like magicians, as they enter the water.



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