Sanath Jayasuriya Tribute Site - Cricket Stuff


Check out some other cricket sites. I have categorised them so that they're easier to go through.


Probably the most informative cricket site on the net. It has a lot of statistics, player information, and live
scorecards. It is a very large site and is where every cricket fan turns to when in need of cricket info. Usually fast loading.

Cricket Index

A well designed, informative site. Has all the latest headlines of the cricketing world. Downloads fast for it's


A well designed site, informative and deserving of a 4star. Relatively quick to download.
  Official site for Sri Lankan Cricket

It is the offical page for cricket in Sri Lanka and gives details about the internetional team, to school cricket. It is
not often updated. Relatively slow downloading time.

Sri Lankan Cricket Homepage on CricInfo

Designed and maintained by me. Has an okay design, downloads relatively fast, and has access to CricInfo's large database.
General Cricket
  BatChat Cricket

Neat little site. Updated regulary enough. Downloads a bit slow though.
Bat To Ball

Good design, downloads okay. Worth a look.
Latest Coopers & Lybrand ratings news

The popular Coopers & Lybrand ratings. This site is up-to-date, however it is not well designed. Downloads fast.
Cricket Inc.

An interesting site devoted to cricket. Design is not very good. A good site to visit. Downloads relatively quickly.
Cricket Inc attempts to document some of the happenings in the cricket world, pay tribute to some of the masters
who have given so many hours of pleasure to people in the stands, and keep track of developments which would
be of interest to lovers of the game.

Salman's Cricket Page

A personal homepage, mainly on cricket. Doesn't have good design or navigation. Doesn't take long to download
WorldTel Cricket

WorldTel's cricket site. A well planned out site. A good source of information. Currently not completed. The lose in
the ratings for the fact that they don't update their site often and have outdated links.

Sri Lankan Cricket Pitch

one of the most informative Sri Lankan site I've seen. It is the official CricInfo partner in Sri Lanka. Has Sanath


Go through the finalls of the Wills World Cup. This site gave up to the minute scores and information during the
world cup. Well designed. Downloads fast.

The Lighter Side of Cricket - Humer

An interesting site, good humour. Check it out. No design. Downloads very fast.