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Capture the Flag Blackjack Charge of the Light Brigade Shoot the Captain Duel Annihilator Attack and Defend Bunny Hunt Recon Gettysburg POW Down But Not Out

Capture the Flag

The game that started it all!


Setting Up:
1. Two flag stations required.
2. Two even teams required.
3. Two flags, hung in their respective flag stations, required.

Suggested Time Limit:
30 Minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
2. Players who are hit are out of the game.
3. If a player is eliminated while he is carrying the flag, he must drop the flag where he was hit, or hang it on the nearest available object. (Not another player).
4. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.
5. When a player is carrying the flag, it must remain visible at all times and must be carried in the hand, over the arm or around the neck.

Capture the opposing team's flag and return it to your base.

Tactical Advantage:
The basic idea is to capture the flag. If you can avoid mixing it up with the other team, do so. Also, if you do capture the flag, leave a couple of your players behind to slow down the opposition in case they are on THEIR way back with YOUR flag. You don't need to leave half of your team back to defend your flag. Only a couple of people are needed because the idea is not to stop the opposition from getting your flag, the idea is to slow them down and buy some time for the attackers. Besides, the more attackers you have the better it will be for you when you reach the opposition's flag station. The attackers should also stay in a large group, if you break into small groups and you do run into the opposition, you're going to get nuked. There's safety in numbers.

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This is a standard game of Capture the Flag, but players are only given 21 paintballs for the whole game.

This is a good game if you want to mix high-tech and low-tech paintguns. A semi-auto really doesn't have much fire power advantage of over a Splatmaster.

Setting Up:
1. Two flag stations required.
2. Two even teams required.
3. Two flags, hung in their respective flag stations, required.
4. Players are only allowed to have 21 paintballs.

Suggested Time Limit:
30 minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. Players are not allowed to "share" paintballs
2. When a player shoots all his paintballs, he is out of the game.
3. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
4. Players who are hit are out of the game.
5. If a player is eliminated while he is carrying the flag, he must drop the flag where he was hit, or hang it on the nearest available object. (Not another player).
6. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.
7. When a player is carrying the flag, it must remain visible at all times and must be carried in the hand, over the arm or around the neck.

Capture the opposing team's flag and return it to your base.

Tactical Advantage:
The best tactic is to stay together. One player has twenty-one paintballs, two players have 42 paintballs, three players have 63 paintballs, I'm sure you get the idea.

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Charge of the Light Brigade

The teams must sally forth 'neath flags unfurled and charge into the ranks of the enemy!


Setting Up:
1. Two flag stations required.
2. Two even teams required.
3. Two flags, hung in their respective flag stations, required.

Suggested Time Limit:
20 Minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
2. Players who are hit are out of the game.
3. If a player is eliminated while he is carrying the flag, he must drop the flag where he was hit, or hang it on the nearest available object. (Not another player).
4. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.
5. When a player is carrying the flag, it must remain visible at all times and must be carried in the hand, over the arm or around the neck.

Hang your flag in the opposition's flag station.

Tactical Advantage:
The best thing to do is absolutely forbid the appointed flag carrier to engage if you meet the opposition. Assign at least two people to guard him at all times and assign alternates to stay in the general area to replace the guards if they are eliminated. Leave defenders behind.

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Shoot the Captain

Oh Captain, my Captain our fearful trip is done.


Setting Up:
1. Two flag stations.
2. Two even teams.
3. One member of the team is selected to be the Captain.
4. The teams are brought to their respective flat stations.
5. The Captain is tied to one end of a 20 foot rope the other end is tied to an immobile object such as a tree or fence post.
6. To add a little spice into the game, the Captain is not tethered, but his paintgun is.
7. Another variation is to limit all players to twenty paintballs while not limiting the amount of paint a Captain can carry.

Suggested Time Limit:
30 minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. The Captain nor anyone else can undo his tether.
2. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
3. Players who are hit are eliminated from the game.
4. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.
5. If playing the tethered paintgun variation, the Captain can abandon his paintgun, but cannot use another paintgun.
6. If you use the limited paint option, players cannot share paintballs.

Eliminate the opposing team's Captain.

Tactical Advantage:
Assign an appropriate number of players to guard the Captain at the flag station. If playing the tethered paintgun variation, this group must stay with the Captain at all times. Another tactic is to have the whole team stay back to defend and wait for the other team. No matter how long it takes, wait for them to show up. They may be trying the same thing. The team with the most patience will usually win this one.

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Two players settle an affair of honor.

This is a good tie breaker and something to do if you're eliminated early.
Two players are the duelists, with a third player as the Warder.

Setting Up:
A clear area is required so that both players can pace off ten paces each.

Suggested Time Limit:

1. Two players stand back to back. The Warder is standing about ten feet to the side.
2. Both players are armed with pistols. The pistols each have one paintball in them ready to fire. The paintguns can have no other paintballs in them, this is a one shot deal.
3. The warder then says, "This, Gentlemen, is an affair of honor. You will take ten paces on my command, then turn and fire. If either of you turn before the count of ten, it will be my unfortunate duty to shoot you down." (Or something to that effect.)
4. The duelists then pace off in time to the Warder's count. At the count of ten they turn and fire.
5. The paintball has to break for the elimination to count.
6. Players cannot side step or lie down, but they may kneel if they wish.
7. No other rules apply.

The person who was not eliminated wins.

Tactical Advantage:
The best way is to take your time. The first person to shoot usually isn't the winner. Also, keep your paintgun down and don't raise it until you are facing the target and then bring it up. If you lift your paintgun first and then turn you are moving the paintgun horizontally to engage what is essentially a vertical target.

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Groups of five go into the field and slug it out in this elimination only game.

Multiple five man teams.

Setting Up:
1. Set up multiple five man teams.
2. The maximum limit is four teams for every acre of playing area.
3. Place teams in the area so that they are not in line of sight of each other.
4. To make score keeping easier, the teams may be accompanied by a referee and each team shoots their own distinct color of paint.

Suggested Time Limit:
30-45 minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. Teams will stay in their starting points until the Start of Game Signal.
2. The team gets a point for each elimination it inflicts on the other team.
3. There are no points for surviving members of the team.
4. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
5. Players who are hit are out of the game.
6. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.

Team with the highest score.

Tactical Advantage: One thing you'll learn REALLY quick. WATCH YOUR BACK AND FLANKS. People will figure out really quick that while two teams are slugging it out, it's real easy to drop in and blind side one team and then take off. Don't hang around, get a couple of eliminations and get out of there.

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Attack and Defend

Great for training teams how to attack or defend flag stations or when you want a fast and furious head to head game without a lot of sneaking around.

Two.  The Defenders and Attackers.

Setting Up:
1. Choose a defensible area to serve as a flag station.
2. Defenders should be restricted to the confines of the flag station. Set boundaries that limit the movement of the defenders out of the flag station.

Suggested Time Limit:
10 minutes. The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in the field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. Defenders cannot leave the flag station area, or the areas of the flag station they are restricted to. 2. The attackers can attack from any place on the field.
3. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
4. Players who are hit are out of the game.
5. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.

Pull the flag off of its support. (A string, branch, cone, etc.) It is not necessary to leave the confines of the flag station.
Stop the Attackers from pulling the flag.

Tactical Advantage:
Take up positions at the extreme outside edges of your areas of limitation. That way if you are pushed back, you'll have somewhere to go.
Send the main force in one way and a few sneaky players in another. You must move quickly and not allow the defenders a chance to react to your attack.

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Bunny Hunt

One person must defend himself against a multitude of players.

Bunny (One person.). Hunters (A whole bunch of people.).

Setting Up:
One player volunteers to be the Bunny. To give the Bunny some kind of advantage (I'm sure he'll appreciate it.), you have two options:
1. The Bunny gets a semi-automatic paintgun plus a garbage can lid or other device to use as a shield.
2. The Bunny carries as much paint as he's comfortable with but the Hunters are restricted to only twenty paintballs each for the game.

Suggested Time Limit:
20 minutes. The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. If the Bunny has a semi-auto/shield option, hits on the shield do not count as an elimination.
2. The Bunny has a five minute head start into the playing area.
3. A signal will be given so that the bunny knows when the game has started.
4. All hunters must start at the same time and from the same place.
5. When using the limited paint option, if a hunter runs out of paint he is out of the game.
6. Players who are hit are out of the game.
7. Players who are eliminated may not by word or gesture, indicate any intention or locations of the Bunny.

Eliminate the Bunny.

Tactical Advantage:
Bunny: Keep moving. Don't stay in one place for too long. Avoid large groups of Hunters. Try to pick them off one at a time. If you can help it at all do not try to engage them.
Form a line across the field and move forward. Have a few players out front as "beaters". These guys will fire random shots into likely hiding places to flush the Bunny out. Corner the Bunny in an area where there is no chance to escape, like a corner of the field. This game is a great way to end a day of paintball, especially if you play the limited paint option. A lot of players call it a day because they don't have enough paint for a full-blown game of "Capture the Flag". This let's them get in a few more games without having to worry about paint consumption.

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Small teams must check into several checkpoints, the problem is, they all have to check into the same ones.

This a great night game scenario.
Multiple 5-man teams.

Suggested Time Limit:
20 minutes. The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

Setting Up:
1. Checkpoints (one for every team on the field) are spaced throughout the field. Each is clearly marked with a flag or some other marking device. Each checkpoint also has a marker hanging from a string. Each checkpoint has different color marker.
2. Each player has a card attached to his wrist (a playing card will do) by a string, rubber band or elastic band.
3. Each team starts near a checkpoint.

1. Players must mark their card with the markers provided at the checkpoint.
2. Every team member must attempt to mark his card, although this is not mandatory.
3. Players who are eliminated are not allowed to count the points they collected with their final team score.
4. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
5. Players who are hit are out of the game.
6. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.

+1 point for each different colored mark on a card.
+5 bonus points if all team cards are marked by at least two checkpoints.
+5 bonus points for each additional checkpoint where all team cards are marked.
+2 bonus points for every team member with card marks from every checkpoint.

The team with the highest score wins.

Tactical Advantage:
This shows you that sometimes the objective is more important than mixing it up with the other teams. When you are collecting points, set up a circular defensive position around the checkpoint. You should all be facing outwards. Every player goes in separately and checks off his card. This way if you get attacked, you're not all grouped around the checkpoint. This is an excellent night game scenario. People are very cautions about moving around. The last thing you want is to stumble on another team! For night game scenarios, it's best to have the velocity cut down to about 220 feet per second (fps).

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This is "Capture the Flag" but with an American Civil War twist.

The North.
The South.

Setting Up:
1. No bulk loaders, loading tubes or any solid apparatus used to hold or feed paintballs.
2. Two flag stations.
3. Two evenly numbered teams.
4. Two flags, hung in their respective flag stations.

Suggested Time Limit:
30 minutes. The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. Players can carry as many paintballs as they wish.
2. Paintballs must be loose or in a plastic bag. They cannot be in tubes or in any bulk loading system. 3. Players can only load paintballs by hand, one at a time into their paintguns and cannot load another paintball until they shoot the one in the paintgun.
4. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
5. Players who are hit are out of the game.
6. If a player is eliminated while he is carrying the flag, he must drop the flag where he was hit, or hang it on the nearest available object.
7. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicated any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.
8. When a player is carrying the flag, it must remain visible at all times and must be carried in the had, over the arm or around the neck.

Capture the opposing team's flag and return it to your base.

Tactical Advantage:
Much like other games in which the teams carry limited paint, there is safety and greater firepower in numbers. Try to coordinate the troops so while one is firing the other is loading. Line up your troops and get them to count off. Get them to remember whether they were given an odd or an even number. During the game, the team captain can give out commands like, "Odd numbers, fire! Even numbers, load!" and "Even numbers, fire! Odd numbers, load!".

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Players must rescue their incarcerated comrades.


Setting Up:
1. You will need an area for each team to start from and a POW Holding Area for each team.
Suggested Time Limit:
30 Minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. When a player is eliminated, he is sent to the opposing team's POW Holding Area. (e.g. A Blue player will go to the Red flag station/POW Holding Area.)
2. Prisoners must stay in the POW Holding Area until one of their teammates tags them.
3. Once a player is tagged he can rejoin the game.
4. Each player in a POW Holding Area must be tagged to be set free.
5. Teams may leave players behind to "guard" their POW Holding Area.
6. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
7. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team members.

There are two ways to win the game.
1. Have all of the opposition in your POW Holding Area before time limit expires.
2. Have the most of the opposition in your POW Holding Area when the time limit expires.

Tactical Advantage:
The idea is to engage the opposition and shoot them without getting shot yourself. Hit and run type tactics would be the best. When you've whacked a few, withdraw. Keep doing this while avoiding getting any of your own players hit. Guards should be placed at the POW holding area. They should prevent POWs from being tagged. If an opponent is near a POW you should also be prepared to tag out the POW in case he is put back into the game. When tagging POWs, make it understood that only one or two will be tagged, then the other tagged in former POWs can tag in the rest. If you are a POW, be ready to IMMEDIATELY engage the opposition upon being tagged back into the game.

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Down But Not Out

This is Capture the Flag, but with a twist.

A simple tag from your team mate brings you back into the game if you've been eliminated.

Setting Up:
1. Two flag stations.
2. Two even teams.
3. Two flags, hung in their respective flag stations.
4. One white sock per player to be provided.

Suggested Time Limit:
30 minutes.  The time limit can be changed to accommodate variations in field size, cover, number of players, etc.

1. When a player is hit, he calls himself out and lays or sits on the ground (using common sense). The player then places a sock over the barrel of his paintgun to indicate that he has been hit. He cannot move from this location until tagged. This is referred to as Waiting.
2. If a waiting player is tagged by a teammate he is back in the game. (The player, of course, removes the sock.)
3. Players who are Waiting cannot shoot or disclose the positions or intentions of opposing players. 4. If a Waiting player is tagged by an opposing player, he is out of the game.
5. If a Waiting player feels that no one will find him, or he is tired of waiting, he can take himself out of the game. In this case the player cannot be tagged back into the game.
6. There is no limit to how many times a player can be tagged back into the game.
7. Players Waiting to be tagged cannot shoot or be shot at.
8. All players must begin the game at their flag station (or assigned starting point) and cannot leave that area until the game begins.
9. Players who are eliminated may not, by word or gesture, indicate any intentions or locations of the opposing team member, until they are tagged back into the game.

Capture the opposing team's flag and return it to your base.

Tactical Advantage:
This game makes heroes out of a lot of players. Knowing you can get back into the game makes some players a little braver. My favorite trick is to wait until someone is in the open, shoot him, then wait for his team members to tag him back into the game.

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