Welcome to Emmanuel Presbyterian Church's Youth Ministries Program
588 Camino Manzanas Ave. Thousand Oaks, Ca. 91360
805-498-4502 Youth Line: 805-498-1254
The Jr. & Sr. High minstries meet regularly for youth worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am for a time of praise singing, fellowship, and teaching from the scriptures. Students are encouraged to bring their friends. The goal is to produce an enviorment for students to learn, praise, and communicate with God in an exciting and significant way. If you are interested in more information regarding our youth program please call K.C. in the church youth office.
Jr. High Ministries
A Mid-week Outreach and fellowship that meets at Emmanuel or in a students home each week for a high energy, activity based event that includes in a presentation from the Gospel or a "Cool Hot Topic Discussion."
Sr. High Ministries
Sr. High Sunday Night Fellowship
A Sunday night fellowship & outreach and that meets at Emmanuel or in a students home each week for a high energy, activity based event that includes in a presentation from the Gospel or a "Cool Hot Topic Discussion."
Outreach & Special Events
Events include Jr. High Mega-Riot, Sr. High Ski Camp, Youth Sunday, BARF All Nighters, Sr. High Progressive Dinner, Grad Banquet, Beach Daze, and tons of other exicting things to do.
Camps & Retreats
Students have the opportunity to attend Forest Homes Jr. & Sr. High Summer & Winter Camps, Jr. High Breakaway and the Sr. High Magical Mystery Tour each year. Students are encouraged to bring friends to each of these camps.
Missions Opportunities
Each year Jr. & Sr. High students have the opportunity to attending one day and serveral day mission trips locally and abroad. Specifically, Sr. high students each year attend our Mexical mission project with"Azusa Pacific University"
Links to surf on the Web
Emmanuel Presbyterian Home Page
Presbyterian Church USA Home Page
Jars Of Clay
Christian Alternative Music Links
Thousand Oaks High School
Westmont College

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