Live and exclusive from the City End of the MCG

This site is currently undergoing a huge revamp over the next few weeks and should be working about late October

It's nothing fancy yet, but there are jokes and and few newsongs are here.

Any suggestions, please email them to me, along with any other songs or chants.

I will be on Bomber Chat at most days up to the next match. Look for any posts by simmo.

Incidentally, you are visitor number. If you are visitor number 100 or something (although that's an ambitious call on my behalf), Sign the guestbook. If you aren't, see if anyone beat you to it

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The good folk at Geocitiesgave me 10MB to play with, all for FREE!. I'm sure if you ask nicely they'll give you 10MB as well.

Now for the small print...

I hope you can read this because I sure as hell can't. This page is best viewed with...well, any browser, with the screen set at "ON". If it is set at "OFF", and you can still read it, you're doing well. I have no idea what the legal implications are when it comes to ripping off tunes, but the words are mostly my own. As for the lyrics that aren't mine, no one else called dibs on them so back off. No, seriously, I took them from Vasco Wackerill's website, (all to do with Manchester United FC), and there was no legal bollocks there, so I figured "what the hell. Take these songs and replace 'Manchester' with 'Essendon' and be done with it." By the way, does anyone know if the name 'Barmy Army' is a trademark? If not, we'll take that as well thank-you.

I'd like to thank the Acadamey, my family and God. They have helped me through the tough times in coughing up these ditties. Ah, bollocks, what the hell am I talking about. I'm not thanking anyone because none of the selfish bastards helped me do it. Except for Jim (I forget his homepage address. I don't know if he even has one), who wrote the 'Just Ace' one about Buddha. For the other bits, I'd like to thank Thege Coaches for letting me take one of their buses, filling it with nutcase Bomber fans and driving it to the MCG. I'll also thank Essendon Football Club for declaring me Concession Ticket Holder #548. It is dearly a great honour, but I will not thank them for moving to the Docklands. Thanks to the mob that gave me this really short Internet address, as opposed to the really long and confusing one Geocities gave me, but still, they're kind enough to give me 10MB of server space, of which I have only used about 5KB. I am also part of the AFL Web Ring, of which I have completley forgotten the address (geez, my memory is atrotious). Oh, have I plugged them already? Bugger.

Copyright (although why you'd want rip me off remains unseen) Simmo 1999. Just because I've copyrighted this material, it doesn't mean you can't print it, photocopy it 1000 times and dish it out at the local newsagent. In fact, it would be much appreciated if you could do that. If anyone is willing to give my site a plug, I'll give theirs a plug. I think Keri is putting this site in her Essendon newsletter. More on that later. In the meantime, go to the official Essendon website and follow the links to Bomber Chat to see if I (Simmo) have put anymore crap there. I think I've rambled on for long enough, but I've still got 9.9meg to fill.

Now get out of here, you crazy kids!