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1 | Kes | 11 | Rain Robinson | 21 | Eliann/Malia/Rinna | 31 | Janice Rand |
2 | Seska | 12 | Steth | 22 | Alicia | 32 | T'Pel |
3 | Danara Pel | 13 | Talli | 23 | Henley | 33 | Charlene |
4 | Nori | 14 | Samantha Wildman | 24 | Amelia Earhart | 34 | Ptera |
5 | Kellin | 15 | Eudana | 25 | T'Pera | 35 | Templeton |
6 | Lidell | 16 | Q | 26 | Ens. Kaplan | ||
7 | Freya | 17 | Nimira | 27 | Lt. Stadi | ||
8 | Marayna | 18 | Libby | 28 | Linnis | ||
9 | Riley Frazier | 19 | Ens. Lang | 29 | Minister Odala | ||
10 | Jessen | 20 | Lillias | 30 | K'Lingonna Torres |
Name - Rank | Race - Class | Beauty (out of 10) |
Bonuses: | Detriments: | +/- of Qualities |
Episode(s) she appears in | Description | Total Rating |
Lieutenant Stadi - 27th | Betazoid - Corpse | 7 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, Skilled | Detriments: Mindreader, Dead | +/- 0 |
Episode: Caretaker
Actress: Alicia Coppola |
Stadi served mostly to indicate Tom Paris' libido, and to cede him the helm. | 7 |
Seska - 2nd | Cardassian - Villain/Crew/Paramour | 7 |
Bonuses: AGGRESSIVE, CUNNING, Genius, INTELLIGENT, POWERFUL, SKILLED, Violent | Detriments: Disloyal, Treacherous, Dead | +11 |
Episode: Various
Actress: Martha Hackett |
Until Kes became a 'guest', Seska was the ultimate Voyager babe. But for the inadequacies of her allies, she was unstoppable. Unfortunately, her intentions were always suspect. | 18.5 |
Lidell - 6th | Banean - Villain/Paramour | 9.5 |
Bonuses: SMOKES, STYLISH | Detriments: Betrothed, Treacherous | +3 |
Episode: Ex Post Facto
Actress: Robin McKee |
Voyager's attempt at a femme fatale, Lidell is a foul temptress. Given the remarkably un-PC habit of smoking, she tries to frame Paris for the murder of her husband and the theft of military secrets. | 12.5 |
Ptera - 34th | Uhnori - Corpse | 4.5 |
Bonuses: Pleasant, Sympathetic | Detriments: Naive, Panicky, Unstylish, Dead | -2 |
Episode: Emanations
Actress: Cecile Callan |
This poor wretch is the writers' tool, used to raise questions about faith and the afterlife. | 2.5 |
Eudana - 15th | Sikarian - Paramour | 8 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, Stylish | Detriments: Treacherous | +1 |
Episode: Prime Factors
Actress: Yvonne Suhor |
A meteorologist, Eudana attracts Harry Kim, and through her he gains access to the Sikarian Spatial Trajector. Unfortunately, she betrays her planet's laws to make this possible. | 9 |
Freya - 7th | Holo-Danish - Corpse/Paramour | 8 |
Bonuses: AGGRESSIVE, Loyal, Skilled, Tall, Violent | Detriments: Unreal, Dead | +4 |
Episode: Heroes and Demons
Actress: Marjorie Monaghan |
Freya is the Holodoc's first love, met during a Holodeck adventure. Though not the Norse Goddess whose name she shares, she is the prototypical Battle Babe. | 12 |
Mrs. Templeton - 35th | Hologramme - Villain | 3 |
Bonuses: Loyal, Violent | Detriments: Harridan, Unstylish, Dead, Unreal | -2 |
Episodes: Various
Actress: Carolyn Seymour |
The housekeeper in Janeway's Gothic holonovel, she draws Janeway's blood. | 1 |
K'Lingonna Torres - 30th | Klingon - Ally/Corpse | 4 |
Bonuses: Aggressive, VIOLENT, Tall | Detriments: KLINGON, Unstylish, Dead | +1 |
Episode: Faces
Actress: Roxann Dawson |
She is the fully-Klingon counterpart of H'Umanna Torres, and breaks a lot of stuff. | 5 |
Henley - 23rd | Human - Crew | 5.5 |
Bonuses: Redhead, Stylish | Detriments: none | +/- 0 |
Episode: Learning Curve
Actress: Catherine MacNeal |
A member of Tuvok's Maquis training course, Henley does have a sarcastic wit. | 7.5 |
Amelia Earhart - 24th | Human - Ally | 5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, SKILLED | Detriments: Betrothed | +1 |
Episode: The '37s
Actress: Sharon Lawrence |
Built for function, not for form, Earhart is a very, very, very good pilot. | 7 |
Samantha Wildman - 14th | Human - Crew | 5 |
Bonuses: Loyal, PLEASANT, Skilled, SYMPATHETIC | Detriments: BETROTHED | +4 |
Episode: Various
Actress: Nancy Hower |
The very epitome of the girl next door with the nice personality, Wildman has a daughter. | 9 |
Libby - 18th | Human - Paramour | 8.5 |
Bonuses: LOYAL, STYLISH | Detriments: Betrothed, Distant, Naive, Panicky | +/- 0 |
Episode: Non Sequitur
Actress: Jennifer Gatti |
Let's see, Harry could stay on Earth with this beautiful woman, but he doesn't. What's the catch? | 8.5 |
T'Pel - 32nd | Vulcan - Paramour | 6 |
Bonuses: Intelligent | Detriments: BETROTHED, Distant | -2 |
Episode: Persistence of Vision
Actress: Marva Hicks |
T'Pel is Tuvok's wife, mother to his four children, and 75,000 Light-years away. | 4 |
Danara Pel - 3rd | Vidiian - Paramour/Ally | 8.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, LOYAL, PLEASANT, Skilled, SYMPATHETIC | Detriments: Diseased, Unreal | +6 |
Episodes: Lifesigns, Resolutions
Actress: Susan Diol |
In many ways the anti-Seska, Doctor Pel is not only a pleasant, intelligent woman, she is interested in the wellbeing of all, including her new friends. The Phage will make her life a short one. | 14.5 |
Alicia - 22nd | Drayan - Villain/Ally | 6.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, POWERFUL | Detriments: Harridan, Unstylish | +1 |
Episode: Innocence
Actress: Marnie McPhail |
Though she wears a veil all the time and was first at odds with Janeway over Voyager's intrusion at the Drayan Cresada moon, she was grateful for Tuvok's assistance to her dying elders. | 7.5 |
Janice Rand - 31st | Human - Ally | 4 |
Bonuses: LOYAL, Pleasant, Skilled | Detriments: Ancient, Unreal, Dead | +1 |
Episode: Flashback
Actress: Grace Lee Whitney |
This blast from the TOS past is seen on Excelsior in Tuvok's flashbacks to his first mission. Time has treated her as well as it has Shatner, except for the hair. | 5 |
Jessen - 10th | Enaran - Paramour | 8.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, SKILLED, Pleasant | Detriments: Mindreader, Naive | +2 |
Episode: Remember
Actress: Athena Massey |
An attractor of Harry~ Kim~, Jessen is clueless to her race's genocide. Is an Engineer! | 10.5 |
Rain Robinson - 11th | Human - Ally/Paramour | 7.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, PLEASANT, Skilled,STYLISH | Detriments: Distant, Naive, Dead | +3 |
Episode: Future's End 1 + 2
Actress: Sarah Silverman |
Rain is the plucky, young California girl met by Paris et al during their foray into 1996 Los Angeles. She helps our voyagers thwart the future's end at the hands of a Bill Gates clone. | 10.5 |
Ensign Kaplan - 26th | Human - Corpse | 7 |
Bonuses: Skilled | Detriments: Dead | +/- 0 |
Episode: Future's End 1 + 2, Unity
Actress: Susan Patterson |
Poor Kaplan was introduced in "Future's End" only
to die five minutes into "Unity". |
7 |
Nori - 4th | Ilari - Villain | 8 |
Bonuses: Aggressive, LOYAL, STYLISH, TALL, Violent | Detriments: Betrothed, Dead | +6 |
Episode: Warlord
Actress: Galyn Görg |
Something of a futuristic Gun Moll, Nori is the woman of Tieran, even when he's in Kes' body. Quick to pull a phaser, loyal to her man's worst libidinous excesses, she dies trying to save him. Ahh! | 14 |
Q - 16th | Q - Q | 9 |
Episode: The Q and the Grey
Actress: Suzie Plakson |
Another of those annoying omniscients from that damned continuum, Q is almost certainly more than a man could handle. What's worse, her boyfriend is a Q, too. | 9 |
Marayna - 8th | ? - Paramour/Villain | 8.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, SKILLED, STYLISH | Detriments: Naive, Unreal, Unstylish | +3 |
Episode: Alter Ego
Actress: Sandra Nelson |
Introduced as a Holodeck avatar, Marayna attracts Harry~'s attention, and subsequently she and Tuvok become interested in one another. Goes Fatal Attraction on him when he rejects her. | 11.5 |
T'Pera - 25th | Holo-Vulcan - Paramour | 8 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, Stylish | Detriments: INEFFECTIVE, Unreal | -1 |
Episode: Blood Fever
Actress: Amy Traicoff |
The Holodoc's idea of a sexual surrogate for Vorik, T'Pera keeps quiet and looks eager. | 7 |
Riley Frazier - 9th | Human/ex-Borg - Paramour | 7 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, Pleasant, POWERFUL, Skilled, TEXAN | Detriments: Mindreader, UNSTYLISH | +4 |
Episode: Unity
Actress: Lori Hallier |
A drone now cut off from the Collective, Frazier heals Chakotay using Borg tech, and uses him to renew the Collective link in her fellows. Is from Texas, but has a plate in her head. | 11 |
Lillias - 20th | Nezu - Ally | 5.5 |
Bonuses: Pleasant, Skilled, Sympathetic, Tall | Detriments: Unstylish | +3 |
Episode: Rise
Actress: Lisa Kaminar |
Metallurgist Lillias befriends Neelix, castigates Tuvok, and helps on an Away Mission. | 8.5 |
Eliann/Malia/Rinna - 21st | Taresian - Paramour/Villain | 8.5 |
Bonuses: Aggressive, Stylish | Detriments: TREACHEROUS | +/- 0 |
Episode: Favourite Son
Actresses (in order): Cari Shayne/Kristanna Loken/Kelli Kirkland |
On Taresia a man can have three wives, and has a planet full of babes to choose from. Unfortunately, the price is not wedded bliss: the Taresians render men for cell nuclei. | 8.5 |
Linnis - 28th | Human-Ocampa - Crew/Paramour | 6.5 |
Bonuses: Intelligent, Pleasant, Skilled, Sympathetic | Detriments: BETROTHED, Naive, Unreal | +/- 0 |
Episode: Before and After
Actress: Jessica Collins |
Linnis is the wife of Harry~ Kim~ in one of Kes' possible futures, and is the daughter of Paris and Kes. | 6.5 |
Charlene - 33rd | Holo-Human - Paramour | 5 |
Bonuses: Loyal | Detriments: BETROTHED, Unreal | -2 |
Episode: Real Life
Actress: Wendy Schaal |
A wife created by and for the Holodoc, she's made more realistic by Torres' adjustments. | 3 |
Minister Odala - 29th | Voth - Villain | 2 |
Episode: Distant Origin
Actress: Concetta Tomei |
Odala is the Chair of the Circle of Voth Elders, and uses that position to force her will upon the Voth scientist Gegen. He refutes his Distant Origin theory to save Voyager and its crew from imprisonment. | 6 |
Ensign Lang - 19th | Human - Crew | 7.5 |
Bonuses: Skilled | Detriments: none | +1 |
Episode: Favourite Son, Displaced, Year of Hell
Actress: Deborah Levin |
Lang works both Ops and Security when needed,
and defends the ship from Nyrian attack. |
8.5 |
Kes - 1st | Ocampan - Ally/Crew/Paramour | 8 |
Bonuses: INTELLIGENT, LOYAL, PLEASANT, Skilled, STYLISH, SYMPATHECTIC | Detriments: Dead (?), Mindreader | +13 |
Episode: Series Regular, then: Scorpion, The Gift
Actress: Jennifer Lien |
Kes was a lovely young Ocampan, initially a part of the crew, who left the ship when she evolved into a higher form of life. In the "WALGMO" chess set she is the White Queen to Seska's black. | 21 |
Talli - 13th | Mari - Corpse/Paramour | 8 |
Bonuses: Pleasant, STYLISH, Sympathetic | Detriments: Dead, Mindreader | +2 |
Episode: Random Thoughts
Actress: Rebecca McFarland |
Talli is unfortunate enough to be in the market, flirting with Neelix when killed (or was a date with Neelix a worse prospect!?) | 10 |
Chief Inspector Nimira - 17th | Mari - Ally/Villain | 4 |
Bonuses: Aggressive, Intelligent, POWERFUL, Skilled, Tall | Detriments: Mindreader | +5 |
Episode: Random Thoughts
Actress: Gwynyth Walsh |
Nimira seeks to erase parts of B'Elanna's mind to cleanse her of her violent memories even whilst working closely with Tuvok. | 9 |
Steth - 12th | Benthan - Ally | 6.5 |
Bonuses: Powerful, Redhead, Tall, Violent | Detriments: none | +4 |
Episode: Vis à Vis
Actress: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn |
One in a long line of bodies 'borrowed' by 'Steth', this Steth
comes looking for hers with the Benthan Guard in tow! |
10.5 |
Kellin - 5th | Ramuran - Ally/Paramour | 7.5 |
Bonuses: Aggressive, Cunning, Intelligent, Pleasant, SKILLED, SYMPATHETIC, Tall | Detriments: Disloyal, FORGETFUL | +6 |
Episode: Unforgettable
Actress: Virginia Madsen |
Kellin is a tracer, sent to retrieve a Ramuran from stowing away on Voyager. When she falls in love with Chakotay she decides to stay and becomes a tracer's target herself. | 13.5 |