Vanessa does some of the most amazing and difficult skills in the world. She has top skills on all events. Especially on vault and floor. Here I will list all her skills so you can better understand how truly amazing Vanessa is.

The Vault

Vault #1

Front handspring with 1 1/2 twists

Start Value= 9.9

Vault #2

Yerchenko double twist

Start Value= 9.9

Uneven Bars

Skills in Sequence

mount: hecht (hop over low bar)

1/2 pirouette

full pirouette

1 1/2 pirouette



pak salto

toe shoot

dismount: laidout double back with a half twist

**start vaule= 10**

Balance Beam

Skills in Sequence

mount: punch front/br>
(in combination with)

wulf jump

back handspring, back handspring, laidout back

full turn

pike jump

(in combination with)

wulf jump

front pike

split leap

(in combination with)

geiner layout

dismount: roundoff, backhandspring, double tuck

**start value= 10**

Floor Exercise

music= Tango Style

cheographed by: Nancy Roach & Beth Rybacki

1st pass: roundoff, back handspring, double layout, punch front, rung leap

jump combination: split leap, side switch leap, wulf jump full turn

2nd pass: roundoff, whip back, double pike

dance combination: tuck jump with two turns

3rd pass: round off, back handspring, triple twist

**start value= 10**