Grand Master

Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov was born to Armenian and Jewish parents in the city of Baku in Azerbaijan in 1963.

He was a child chess prodigy, qualifying as an International Chess Master at the age of 16. In 1985 at the age of 22, he became the youngest-ever World Chess Champion when he defeated Anatoly Karpov for the title.

Widely believed to be the strongest player in the history of the game, Kasparov has successfully defended his crown four times: three times against Karpov (London/Leningrad 1986, Seville 1987, New York/Lyon 1990) and once against Nigel Short (London 1993) and once against Vishwanatan Anannd (New-York 1995). In 1993, Kasparov and Nigel Short helped form the Professional Chess Association (PCA).

Beyond his interests in chess, Kasparov is an accomplished mathematician and computer expert who speaks 15 different languages. He has authored four books and has gained international recognition as a prominent spokesperson for political, educational and social reforms in Eastern Europe.

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