July 8th & 9th
Places are already disapearing, even this early, so get your team on the list quick
Give me a call if you want get information, costs will be greatly hiked up from last year, in fact everything will be hiked up. There is no pre-booking this year.
You can snail mail your joining fee and team infromation to:-
Paul Dufty
13 Slimbridge Close
Bristol BS37 8XY
I'll need :-
Team name
Contact name
Full postal address (including postcode)
day and evening telephone numbers
Which division you'd like your team entered into
Competition one, two or recreational
and an entry fee of £155.00 payable to P A Dufty
If any futher information is required please contact
Paul Dufty 01454 884 869 (h) >6pm
07879 667 347 (m)
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