Bill's World Links
Worthwhile Links...
Cancer effects far too many lives. I am sure that everyone has dealt with this menace in one way or another. My heart goes out to all that are dealing with this everyday. I truely know of your pain. I miss you Mom so very much.
You can ask just about anyone and they know someone that has been hurt or even died because of the complete disregard of others lives by drunk drivers. That is so very sad. My good friends Jody and Chip are no longer here because of this disregard of their young lives by others. I miss you guys.
The tragic events in our schools and all over the world has been tearing up the hearts and souls of all of us. What can we do to help stop the hatred and violence? Is the answer to ban the violent video games, movies, television, books, etc. I don't believe that would help. All throughout history humans have been violent towards one another. The cavemen certainly did not have access to any of these blamed influences and they bashed each others heads in. We have to first learn to respect, then accept and hopefully come to love each other as individuals. Also parents and their kids have to talk to each other and spend more time with each other. A sense of family is a vital human need. If there is no sense of family at home, kids will look for it outside the family. Hey, maybe they will find it in a gang such as the trenchcoat mafia. And for God sakes people give up the guns! Kids are naturally curious and if there is easy access to a gun (meaning--if it is in the house even under lock and key) it will be played with. It's just a matter of time. Oh by the way, when is the last time you said hello to a neighbor? When is the last time you said I love you to a friend or family member?
A prayer for all those lost because of blind hatred, God please help us all to find a way to replace the hatred with love. Amen.
some links to visit...
click here
click here
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Please remember kids that need help. It really does not take that much to help them either if we ALL do what we can.
| Call 1-800-THE-LOST if you've seen this child. Click on the image for case details. We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Click Here To Add A Missing Child Link To Your Pages! |
Click here to help Feed The Children
Children International (Sponsor a child today)
Make A Child Smile (Sick kid help site, please visit)
Wish4Chris (Help Chris and add this link to your website)
Free The Children (oppose child labor)
Rosie O'Donnell
Chocolate Farm (great online chocolate business run by kids)
Useful & Fun Links...
HotSheet (Top links on the web) (selling site)
The Dream Emporium (Cyndi's dreamy site)
The Wild Eggplant (Way cool e-zine)
WebCam Central (Take a cam tour of the world)
Microsoft Terra Server (Find your house from space) (Order virtual pizza, death clock, etc.)
Random silliness (lotsa weird links here)
Waste of the Week Home Page (More weird stuff)
The World's Best Bubble Wrap Page
Grandpopper's Virtual Bubblewrap Page
Stare Down Sally (Staring contest)
Cyber "Camera" aka The Magic Camera
The Orchard (pick from some cool freeware)
Shockwave Snowball Fight (awesome!!)
Useful Website Builders Links...
This site is powered by images and sounds from Draac!
I may now have a cool 'puter but I did not forgot my roots...
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