Pernilla Wiberg #1
first-class skiing

written by Paolo
Last update April 1 1999

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This page is a small tribute to a skier with a big heart, it is a frameless page dedicated to my favourite athlete, the best of all times in alpine skiing that is to say Sweden's Pernilla Wiberg and I am really sorry for Ingemar Stenmark but now it is her who rules alpine skiing ("Ubi maior, minor cessat.").
Very special thanks to Steffen Hung, Damjan Rajh and Martin Kindberg for helping me with this page.

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 Pernilla Christina Wiberg 
 Date of birth / Birthplace
 October 15th 1970 / Norrköping (Sweden)
 Height / Weight
 1.61m / 64kg
 skiing, water skiing, knitting, jewellery, golf, cinema, shopping
 Monte Carlo
 Favourite movie
 Pretty woman
 Favourite food and drink
 kronfagel: chicken prepared in a tipical Swedish way (with milk), tea
 Marital status
 Her boyfriend
 Bödvar Bjerke (Norwegian), the Norwegian Alpine Team trainer (Ladies)
 Swedish, English and German
 Norrköpings Skidklub
 Years on national team
 Year she began
 Personal trainer in speed disciplines
 Heinz Peter Platter
 Personal trainer in slaloms
 Anders Sundkvist
 Training venues
 Sweden, Austria, Italy (Cervinia, Passo dello Stelvio)

Pernilla Wiberg is a 27 years old beautiful, attractive and really cool woman, she has blue eyes, long dark-blond hair (total cool) and there is always a smile on her lips.
She likes singing and she recorded a single titled "Privilege" which is not for sale anywhere since she wrote it just for fun.
She is also fond of jewels and she designed and launched a personal collection, the "Pernilla Wiberg collection " which is pretty cool.
Her residence is abroad, in the Principality of Monaco, because of high taxes (up to 50%) in Sweden.
As an athlete she is something superb, capable as she was, to utterly revolutionize the world of alpine skiing. Her technique is definitely perfect, the way she skies is indeed something genuine, special and spectacular, as she is the only one who succeeds in being powerful, precise, natural strong, effective and quick; she makes you stare when running slaloms. Moreover she has also preserved her feminity, in spite of the exhausting trainings she must stand. Besides her power, it is her mental strength the feature I like best, (Alberto Tomba and Katja Seizinger have got a great deal of that too).
She can shine in the four disciplines and be on a level with the discipline's specialists (with the exception of Italy's Deborah Compagnoni who still rules giant slalom).
Her style is definitely unique, neat and superb, much better than Tomba's or Sykora's. In winter 1996-97 she had her best season of them all, winning both the alpine ski world cup and the slalom world cup and the bronze medal (downhill) in the last world championships; besides she placed in the top five for each of the discipline standings. This was possible since she trained a lot to improve her performances in fast disciplines, aware that no one could ever have beaten her in slaloms. As a consequence she one of the few skiers who won in all of the four disciplines.
In the end, consider that in 1993 she got injured her Achilles' tendon and that since then she won two gold medals and one bronze medal in the world championships, one gold and one silver in the winter olympic games, two slalom world cups (1994, 1997) and one world cup (1997) establishing the new record (1960 points).
Everytime she finds herself hunted by bad luck, she always succeeds in finding the power to face it: all her victories are the result of such a positive approach.
Thus with two olympic gold medals, three golds in the world championships, and one overall cup, Pernilla has already accomplished her share in the nineth season she's been on tour. This should lead you to think that she is not a common skier but a real first-rater, an undisputed extraordinary champion and a superlative athlete.

If you send me the negatives of live photos of Pernilla, jpgs and news, I will cite you in this page.
In case you should know something about new sites, fan clubs, or if you chance to have news about Pernilla Wiberg that you want to let me know, please do not hesitate to email it to me.
Besides I wish I knew if there are Swedish magazines or new sites on the web which help to spread news, statistics, biographies and information about Pernilla.

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