Homepage for Shadowland Morgans of Hershey, PA.

My interests are:
Horses, Computers, Rugby, Rowing, Literature,
Science and Intellectual Property/Healthcare/Equine Law. The horses above are Upwey Ben Don, Applevale Boy King, Applevale Cadence, and Sealect of Windcrest.
Shadowland Morgans

Sport horses for the 21st
Century and beyond
I raise Morgan sport horses for competitive trail, driving, dressage, endurance, and hunter/jumper. Specializing in Pecos bred Morgans. Pecos line bred mares wanted.

Archived Chantilly Lace website
The Chantilly Lace/Bruce Ekstrom registration debacle and subsequent Fraunfelder lawsuit have pointed out the level of corruption within certain aspects of the Morgan breeding industry and within the AMHA corporate Officers and culture. Educate yourself about what goes on within your breed, and commit to doing something about it.
Chantilly Lace Is Not My Mother

Aquarian Morgans, offers for breeding a list of 4 stallions that embody the goals of the former breeding program at Saddleback Farms. The perfect out crosses for concentrated In Command and Noble Flaire mares, they typify the Classic Morgan.Owned by Fred Herrick and Jeanne Mellin Herrick of Aquarian Morgans, check out their pictures and contact information.Stock occaisionally for sale.

Stallions of Aquarian Morgans
Sales/Leases/Horses Wanted: LIST

    Shadowland Morgans and Sport Horses
R.L. Roberts, Esq.
716 Laudermilch Road
Palmyra, PA 17078

Please E-mail me at: rlr33@cornell.edu

Other homepage: /Colosseum/Loge/1662/PWLibrary.html

Homepage for Morgan national trail medal winner Shadowland Firedance http://www.users.fast.net/~wambo/

Link to American Morgan Horse Association homepage: http://www.morganhorse.com/

Mid-A Morgan Horse Club: http://www.midamorgan.org

Link to Morgan Sport Breeders Ltd.: http://www.sportmorgan.com

Join the SportMorgan, Morgan Bulletin Board, or MorganHistory Discussion Lists at: http://www.onelist.com

Check out all the Horse links at Equine.com: http://www.equine.com

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