Thanks For Writing

    If you would care to have your letter included here, please send it to


    Dear Duane,
    We met you at Walmart today in Denton, Texas. You graciously signed a football for us for our grandson, Austin. We have fond memories of you on the football field and it was a pleasure to talk to you in person. We have printed this web site for Austin, since he is only three, so that in the future he will know who you are, and will be able to appreciate the many great things you have done, both on and off the field.
    Thanks from Marvelous Marv and Wife
    Keep up the good work and God Bless!!

    Dear Duane,
    I don't know if you remember me, but I saw you at Wal-Mart and you signed a picture. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. It was my very first picture from a Dallas Cowboy.

    Dear Duane,
    I just wanted you to know I was a great fan of yours during your career with Dallas, 1970 and 1971. I was very pleased to hear of your work with children.

    Dear Duane,
    I don't know if you'll get this...but if you do, I just want to thank you for countless moments of pure football excitement you have given all sports fans. I don't mind saying that I stopped being a Dallas Cowboy fan the day you left. I understand your autobiography book is out of print-what a shame. I hope you write another soon. Sincerely, D.

    Dear Duane, I saw you play many times at West Texas State and also for the Cowboys. You have always been a super player and a great guy on and off the field. Sincerely, WR

    I watched Duane play football many times. I saw him play at the Fairgrounds once and then many times at Irving. Duane really knew how to play the game. The Cowboys never appreciated what they had in Duane. Duane had a lot of fans and they were very sad to see him leave Dallas. He still has a lot of fans. Glenn Argabright (former football player, announcer, Little League Coach, passed away December 2000) Glenn's Page

    Dear Morningstar,
    I was truly touched by the website on Duane Thomas, especially the part that spoke of the sacrifices he made. His family must be blessed to have such a caring father and husband. It does my heart good to know that he cares about helping children. My father is also a professional football player.
    Sincerely, E.

    O'Siyo Morning,
    You have a fantastic tribute to a great man. The webpage surely tells a good story. There is so much more to Duane Thomas than his being a legend on the football field. I am glad that you have captured this on the website.
    Your Friend,

    Dear Mr. Thomas,
    How fast can you run a mile? My Dad says you were one of the fastest Cowboys.
    From Trey

    Dear Mr. Thomas,
    I was named after you and I am very proud of that.