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    Flyers Trails
  • Offroad NightRide Journal
    Read about how much fun we're having on our rides! Better yet, come on out and join us!
  • Five Hour Tour - MTB Ride Report from Wenatchee.
  • 1997 IMBA Pacific Summit The Flyers helped me (GrrRizly) to attend this three day workshop in Oakridge, OR. I got a lot of good information on trail maintenance/advocacy out of these meetings. Check out the Summit Summary!
  • Oakridge Ride Reports All work and no play would make GrrRizly a dull boy. While at the '97 Summit, I got a chance to sample some very tasty trails.
  • Dry Trails Riding - Some great tips on how to enjoy the summer riding and leave the trail in the best possible shape so that others can enjoy the trail also. Ride On!
I parked in the wrong spot up at State Patrol (and got a written warning to prove it). Please don't park in the intersection. If police vehicles or fire trucks have to respond to a call they'll be coming down the road HOT! and might have to use all the road to make the corner. Here's [Parking] a little graphic that depicts the acceptable parking areas. Why not dispense will all that trouble and ride your bike from your home to the trails? Or if you're pressed for time, you can always park down at the Park-N-Ride lot on 27th & Union and ride up from there. Thankx for your help and time.

If you notice anyone putting up signs or doing anything to the trails, try to find out from them who they are and why they're doing it. Get that info to the Flyers (either through email [Kevin Axt] or leave a message on the Ride Line (734-8655) and we'll take it from there. Thankx for your help and we'll see you on the trails.