Thankx for signing our Guestbook. We appreciate you taking the time to stop by our web site. Hope to see you out on your bicycle soon!

JRA - 06/30/00 18:07:06
My URL:/mtnwuff/single.html
Fav Flyer rider?: Jooper
What bike do you ride?: '89 Jamis Dakota

Does the old guestbook work now?

12/20/99 23:10:43
Name: "Tormy the Tormentor" My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Teasing and putting the fear in "Jooper". He was just a wantabeeeee when i first meet him riding an old yellow schwinn. Not an image of a god or a king if you ask me. Type of bike your ride: Top secret just like my training
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: any one that can beat the Jooper, aka. King, god

Jooper your days are numbered and it is a small number. you better get that extra weight off that i know you have hidden under that baggy clothing. I can see you starting to sweat and shake. always be looking over your shoulder because Tormy is going t rture you and leave you in the dust. hope to see you out and about.

10/02/99 00:12:10
Name: The god formerly known as The Jooper My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: the guestbook Type of bike your ride: Who rides? I fly, shred, burn, rip, and pillage
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Nino Aimo

All the good names have been taken: the Artist, the Mountain Biker, Turbo, Rooster. I tried "the King" but that wasn't good enough, so I'm going straight to the top. You can drop the "the" from my title when you address me; I permit informality.

09/29/99 22:35:39
Name: Jason Jablonski My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Type of bike your ride: KLEIN

I am sending out an all points bulletin to the Flyers club. Most of you know that I am mainly a MTB racer. This is what I enjoy. I do, how ever, race on the road quite a bit. You may find it strange that I am a loyal flyer living over here in wenatche , but I have an emotional and loyalty issue that will keep me riding for the flyers for a while. I did about six road races in the 99 season and I think that I saw only one flyers jersey out there other than my own. Im not really asking for help in my r ce. I use these races for training and don't really care that I end up getting shelled at the end of the race because I spent the entire time working my butt off at the front. I just want to see more flyers out their. I had one guy come up to me atthe eavenworth RR and comment on how much he liked my jersey. He had never seen one before. This guy goes to a lot of races and he has never seen a flyers jersey? Next year I hope that he gets to see as many nice flyers jersey as he wants. Viva Yawn. A loyal flyer Jason Jablonski

07/28/99 16:28:34
Name: Chris Feather My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Updates and race info.
Type of bike your ride: Schwinn Peleton\Airborne Lucky Strike Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Dale Knapp

What happened to the State Patrol times that were posted until a few months ago.

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 10:32:46

Ich mag Sie nicht paginieren. Ich denke nicht, daß es sehr interessant ist. Sie sollten es neu entwerfen. Ich hoffe, daß dieses hilft. Gutes Glück.

02/26/99 23:58:54
Name: The King formally known as Jooper My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: my name in results Type of bike your ride: 2-wheeled
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: 2-feathers

I pity the poor fools on the "Chinook/Mongoose" team. The king is going to reign on their parade! Old age and treachery WILL prevail!

01/31/99 03:22:37
Name: Terry Nix My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: we'll see
Type of bike your ride: Mountain Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: none

I'm from Walla Walla. I've rode locally for 5 years, but have hear about "Finley" and would like to know more.

01/21/99 16:57:26
Name: Guy Pioux My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Mud News
Type of bike your ride: Specialized Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Tinker!

Nice site, hadn't even heard of you guys until I ran across a link at the site amongst SEVERAL other area bike clubs. I had no idea there were that many just in this area!

01/07/99 05:39:35
Name: Scott Petty My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: All of it
Type of bike your ride: Ventana - Marble Peak FS Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Ned Overend

It's always good to see cycling on the net.

11/21/98 18:12:40
Name: Mark Rogers My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Type of bike your ride: touring

I am representing Lourdes Med Ctr in PAsco. Each year we sponsor a bike ride from our hospital to Connell in April as a fund raiser for Cystic Fibrosis. The ride is 40 miles one way. We would like to promote this ride with your club and have some ideas re arding advertising in your newsletter. WE thought we might be able to possibly work in a ride that your club could use as as an early spring training ride. In the past most of our riders have made the return trip as well. other ideas have been in promotin a family ride for those just getting started. The hospital has furnished lunch for riders in Connell and provided a return trip for rider and bike. A good cause and a fun ride as well. Any ideas or further information for helping us get this info for rid out early enough would be most appreciated. Please send to me at the above e mail address or to me @ Lourdes Med Ctr 520 N. 4th Ave Pasco, Wa 99301 attn :Mark Rogers Cardio-pulmonary dept 547-7704 ext 2312 thanks

10/27/98 04:41:08
Name: Ike Spivey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: race reports
Type of bike your ride: Fisher Paragon


10/11/98 01:12:35
Name: Matt Kirchner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Type of bike your ride: Trek 1400 road bike
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Lance Armstrong


07/19/98 02:48:22
Name: josh My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: info
Type of bike your ride: specialized m2 works Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: tinker


06/15/98 05:45:28
Name: Yuri Fronda Rabena My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: It all kicks ass!!!!!!!!!
Type of bike your ride: GT Tempest Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Libor Karas

I have no email or h. address. I do think this club's kik'n!

05/18/98 15:41:22
My URL: Visit Me


05/06/98 04:16:11
Name: Vera Ann Bean My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: All of it. :)
Type of bike your ride: Serotta Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: ex-racer Sally Zack

Excellent site! I found it through the geo banner exchange. Come visit me sometimes and sign my guest book! -Vera

05/02/98 22:16:27
Name: Phil Mounier My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: indeteminate
Type of bike your ride: 61 J C Higgins / 2 speed auto Bendix Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: paul ruebens

retrogrouch, wannabe parts racer, looking for a complete WalD gruppo in the box

04/29/98 04:08:42
Name: Debbie Payne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: calendar
Type of bike your ride: LeMond Zirich Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Bueno Wayno

Get on your bike and ride.

02/18/98 06:20:51
Name: Phil Young My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: This part
Type of bike your ride: Puogeot MB Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: You know, that guy from Arcata, Ca. Ol' what'-his-name.

I am new to Kirkland, WA and I'm looking for good mountian bike rides to go on with good people.

02/08/98 03:42:10
Name: Daren Shaver My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: The race info. Type of bike your ride: GT Avalanche
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Shaun Palmer


01/29/98 03:37:39
Name: David Kraft My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Calander of events
Type of bike your ride: road, mb, cross Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Adri Van der Poel

Hope to see ya soon in on the road and in the dirt. By the way my wife and I have a new memeber of the family. Anthony John Kraft 9 lbs. 9 oz. 22 inches January 8, 1998 djk

01/13/98 03:46:50
Name: Jay Phelps My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: event calendar
Type of bike your ride: '95 Bianchi Campione D'Italia

Love your site. I am looking for ideas for our club's site (Central Indiana Bicycling Association) We are a 2000 member club based in Indianapolis - home of Pete and Ed's Books. We are looking for a new home on the web. How has Geocities worked for you? Also, come on over to my personal site at the address above to learn about the largest cross country bicycle tour in American history, happening this summer.

12/17/97 06:34:20
Name: Tormy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: all of it
Type of bike your ride: SS Slow


12/07/97 01:50:48
Name: sam mcpeek My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: it all sucks Type of bike your ride: schwinn moab
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: shorn pawmore

Da Jooper is da bomb! He's the man! He spits on the yawner and the rest a youse bums!

12/04/97 04:22:00
Name: Bruce and Jared Beauchene
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thanks for the information. Keep up the good work.

11/24/97 23:04:57
Name: Spud Umphrey My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Turpin's dialogue Type of bike your ride: 3-Wheel street crusier
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: why race?


10/15/97 06:21:13
Name: Ron G Hale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: The Interviews (Yawn)
Type of bike your ride: Gray prototye Huffy Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Dave Wiens cause he's a big guy

No comment.

09/23/97 03:24:46
Name: Montana Robinson My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Trail Mip Type of bike your ride: a realy fast one
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: JOOOP Painter

send all mail in care of R Coleman

09/15/97 16:26:52
Name: The Jooper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: The End
Type of bike your ride: Kleinx3,Merlin Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Joop Zootemelk

I'm speechless

08/31/97 04:28:04
Name: Alex John Coleman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Reading dad's name over and over and over
Type of bike your ride: Big Wheel with siren and lights that dad broke and can't fix Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Dad

Ya need some cartoons, and puzzels

08/27/97 04:37:09 GMT
Name: Turbo My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: team pictures Type of bike your ride: schwinn varsity
Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: major taylor

Who is this "Rooster" fellow. Sounds like a big chicken, I mean cock to me. Or is he just big and getting bigger by the day.

08/26/97 23:37:12 GMT
Name: JOHNNY G My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: ride calendar
Type of bike your ride: Hollands,and a Bass Boat Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Steve Larsen, Bobby Julich, and of course, Lance

Nice site guys! c u on the road and trails!

08/26/97 03:12:14 GMT
Name: Greg Turpen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Readind Roosters' name over and over
Type of bike your ride: Anything made from carbon fiber Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: "Yawn"

The site is great ... keep up the good work!!! If anyone has quality pixs they would like added to the site, definately send them in. The fall mtn bike series is just around the corner.

08/21/97 23:02:30 GMT
Name: Al Potter My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Seeing my race score.
Type of bike your ride: Too many to list Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Randy Coleman

The web site looks great guys. I am moving back to town, gonna buy a scanner so we can load this site with Flyer photogeny. Time to smoke-up some salmonoids.

08/18/97 21:08:00 GMT
Name: Nino Aimo My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: all
Type of bike your ride: two-wheeled Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Fats Domino

Finally found it !

08/11/97 03:30:42 GMT
Name: Marc "Turbo" Brown My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: bubble butts
Type of bike your ride: Landshark Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: that lad lemond

we our taking applications for a big engine that can suffer, climb, time trial and sprint for the bus.

08/10/97 01:24:24 GMT
Name: Don Lewis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Everything!!!
Type of bike your ride: titanium Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Rooster "Coors Light" Coleman

This is looking greeeeat!! This is better than STC homepage.

07/30/97 08:02:25 GMT
Name: Azmi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Very Good Home Page

Have A Nice Day

Welcome to Azmi's HomePage

Thank You

07/06/97 21:31:07 GMT
Name: Rooster My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Flames
Type of bike your ride: Serotta,Colnago,Specialized Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Tormy Cole

Thanks for helping make the Flyers a club with class.

07/03/97 05:22:15 GMT
Name: James Dole My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: All, still looking good
Type of bike your ride: paramount 50th Anniversery road bike, Manitou HT Mtn Bike

Check out the new design of the Treads web page. I have made some changes. TTYL :-)

06/26/97 06:00:11 GMT
Name: Ted Hohl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: today...kevin's icons
Type of bike your ride: road/mtn, both TREK Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: M Pantani

Site is looking vibrant Kevin, lots of "activity" Keep it up...

06/24/97 20:42:59 GMT
Name: Kevin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Part of the Flyers Web Site: Mountain Biking
Type of bike your ride: Rigid MTB and proud of it Favorite Pro Bicycle Racer: Tinker Juarez

Just stopping by to see if the Guestbook works

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