Download PFH_W95 ..............................................................Back to Main
Here's the deal - I couldn't get everything done to the windows version of PFH in time for the season so this year it is Free. If you download the program and want it to work for the entire season, EMAIL me at and I will send you a 1 year registration code. If you take the time to fill out a bug report or suggestion report and the bugs or suggetion proves usefull, I will give you a lifetime registration code
Known Bugs
Print Problem - When coding PFH I assumed (wrongly it seems) that most systems would have a printer that could print in Landscape mode. I used landscape for the stats be cause of the amount of info. If your printer does not support Landscape mode then the Stats comparison will not print correctly. Currently I am re-designing the print module to handle printers without landscape capabilities.
Computer Results - Does not calculate correctly