Mission Statement
Funding Statement
DoD Program Overview
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Throughout the year CNSR sponsors and actively participates in events to honor Members of Congress and DoD staff who support a strong Defense Science and Technology Program.
06/06/2001 Hill Visit Day
06/26/2000 Out of the Box and Into the Future
07/27/2000 Reception honoring Vice Admiral Gaffney II
Future Events
CNSR / AAU Hill Visits Day
June 6, 2001
During this Visit Day, the coalition members visited 56 congressional offices sharing DoD Research and Development success stories and urged members to support a strong DoD S&T program.
Out of the Box and into the Future:
A Dialogue Between Warfighters and Scientists on Far-Future Warfare (year 2025)
June 26-27, 2000
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The purpose of Out of the Box and Into the Future: A Dialogue Between Warfighters and Scientists on Far-Future Warfare, the focal point of a larger effort being conducted at the request of congressional members, is to test current perspective and generate new ideas on how science will change the nature of far-future (Year 2025) military operations. These goals will be pursued through a dialogue among leading science researchers, uniformed military strategists, and the congressional members and staff who must fund the efforts to prepare for the future. The project will enhance our ability to understand and plan for the diverse spectrum of possible battlefield scenarios in the new century.
For the final report please visit the
conference website at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
Coalition for National Security Research (CNSR) co-sponsored this conference along with the following organizations:
Reception Honoring Vice Admiral Paul G. Gaffney II
Special Guest Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott
July 27, 2000
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The Coalition for National Security Research hosted a reception to honor Admiral Gaffney for his outstanding vision and support of science during his years of service as commander of the Office of Naval Research.
The Coalition for National Security
Research would like to thank the following sponsoring organizations:
Future Events
Reception for Dolores Etter
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for S&T
July 24, 2001
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