Welcome to the C.T.W. Guestbook!

gimp - 11/09/00 18:57:43
My URL:http://dykatana_22@yahoo.com
My Email:17
Fave. C.T.W. wrestler: tengu
Fave. wrestler on TV: rock
Where did you hear about C.T.W.: fat guy was yelling at me
Have you seen a show?: yes
Did you enjoy it?: yes

tengu needs a big push. he should be the champ.

DDDevil - 10/25/00 21:23:29
My Email:16
Fave. C.T.W. wrestler: Lord Abadon
Fave. wrestler on TV: The Rock
Where did you hear about C.T.W.: School
Have you seen a show?: I go a lot.
Did you enjoy it?: C.T.W kicks ass!!!!

Why dont you wrestle every monday like you used to? I miss C.T.W.!!!!! When is the next show?

El As#wipeo - 09/24/00 22:42:23
My Email:14
Fave. C.T.W. wrestler: Lord Abbadon
Fave. wrestler on TV: The Undertaker
Where did you hear about C.T.W.: someone yelled at me while I was riding my bike!!!
Did you enjoy it?: very much!!

Craven sucks!!!!! He cant wrestle good!!! Give Lord Abbadon his belt back!!! and while youre at it give Tengu his belt back too.

dont giva f^ck - 09/24/00 22:37:58
My URL:daikyou_22@yahoo.com
My Email:17
Fave. C.T.W. wrestler: tengu
Fave. wrestler on TV: Yoshihiro Tajiri
Where did you hear about C.T.W.: out my @ss
Have you seen a show?: many times
Did you enjoy it?: yes

tengu needs a big push, and not off a cliff. biggots are poeple to, they're just stupid.

BOB - 09/13/00 14:03:36
My URL:germanboy10@hotmail.com
My Email:15
Fave. C.T.W. wrestler: Abaddon
Fave. wrestler on TV: Kane
Where did you hear about C.T.W.: FBB
Have you seen a show?: yes
Did you enjoy it?: yes I did

this site kix A$$, tell Bagel that he sux ok Scott! Later hater

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