This is a voluntary contribution by the students and instructors at
the Cluster E - Luzon MDKSBD. Our purpose is to
developed a computer based system of
collection, storage and retrieval of information on Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk
Do Tang Soo Do on the Internet; for efficient intra-organization communication both nationally and internationally;
to serve as a venue to renew ties, maintain coordination, and (re)-
establish linkages among Moo Duk Kwan members, affiliated
Assn. and different cooperators and Institutions for the betterment
and enhancement of one's work and functions; to help our members share
knowledge, develop friendship and relationship with fellow practitioners
all over the world, get to know other studios/dojang are located for
possible visit, and voluntary contributions for the betterment of the art and organizations.
"To the
MOO DUK KWAN SOO BAHK DO TANG SOO DO - long tested and tried by diversity so we can rise to a
level of achievement that gives us "HONOR" and "SELF-RESPECT" as the "LIVING ART"."
The complete results of 12th National
Open Blackbelt Martial Arts Championship dubbed the "3rd Mayor
Rodrigo Duterte Cup", Sunday, at the Holy Cross of Davao College
Edgardo `Bing' Grandeza gives the details of the 3rd Mayor Duterte National Blackbelt Championship on Thursday's DSA Forum at the Tower Inn sponsored by Genesis 88 Advertising and Tower Inn. The event is on Nov.26, 1 p.m., at the Holy Cross of Davao College gym.(DSA)
Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk
Do Tang Soo Do Training courtesy
of Various sources
Exercises Stretching Jaseh Hyungs Soo Gi Hand Combinations Jok Gi Hand and Foot Combns Foot Combinations Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun Ho Sin Sul Ja Yu Dae Ryun Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do Tang Soo Do Articles:
We hope that you find this web
site interesting and helpful. Please let us know your
thoughts, impressions, questions or perhaps in ways which we
may be able to help you. Simply click on our e-mail address
with your input. We will get back to you soon. Thanks for
being a part of the Cluster E - LUZON Philippine Moo Duk Kwan
Soo Bahk Do Kamsahamnida!!!! Maraming Salamat Po!!!! May this
site makes the best of your MOO DO experience