Mabuhay!!!  Anyonhaseyo!!!  Welcome!!!  to the Cluster E -  Luzon MDK of the Philippine Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do  Homepage

Dedicated to Preserving the Traditional Martial Art Spirit of Moo Duk Kwan * Soo Bahk Do * Tang Soo Do

 Chat GuestBook CyberDojang Forum  Links
Kyo Sa Omar Kyo Sa Nim Bryan Grandeza Master_Bing_Grandeza SaBom Nim Steve Grandeza KyoSa NIm Dennis KyoSa NIm Alex Tropa Pictures


This is a voluntary contribution by the students and instructors at the Cluster E - Luzon MDKSBD. Our purpose is to developed a  computer  based  system   of collection, storage and retrieval of information on Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do Tang Soo Do on the Internet; for efficient intra-organization communication both nationally and internationally;   to serve as a venue to renew ties, maintain coordination, and (re)- establish  linkages among  Moo Duk Kwan members, affiliated Assn. and different cooperators and Institutions for  the betterment and enhancement of one's work and functions; to help our members share knowledge, develop friendship and relationship with fellow practitioners all over the world, get to know other studios/dojang are located for possible visit, and voluntary contributions for the betterment of the art and organizations.  

"To the MOO DUK KWAN SOO BAHK DO TANG SOO DO - long tested and tried by diversity so we can rise to a level of achievement that gives us "HONOR" and  "SELF-RESPECT" as the "LIVING ART"."



Soo Bahk Do Exclusive: 

Instructing Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan
Promotional Ideas
Why and When we have changed the name of our Art to Soo Bahk Do


The complete results of 12th National Open Blackbelt Martial Arts Championship dubbed the "3rd Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Cup", Sunday, at the Holy Cross of Davao College gym.

Champion:  Renato Liwag, Moo Duk Kwan
2nd: Arnel Jaluag, Katma
3rd: Erwin Sarte, Golden Actum
Champion: Bryan Grandeza, MDK
2nd: Adam Basan, Bislig Team
3rd: Clint Pauyon, Blue Warrior
Champion: Steve Grandeza, MDK
2nd: Elcir Liup, Kyokushin Manila
3rd: Evan Grandeza, HNU
Champion: James dela Cruz, Kyokushin Manila
2nd: Joseph Albert Robles, Katma
3rd: Erwin Dumapias, HNU
Champion: Nell Jone Astudillo, MDK
2nd: Mohammad Samal, Kyokushin Manila
3rd: Jerimias Gayo, Golden Actum
Special Awards:
Most Courageous Fighter: Mohammad Samal, Kyokushin
Most Disciplined Fighter: Elcir Liup, Kyokushin
Best Fighter: Bryan Grandeza, MDK
Grand Champion: Steve Grandeza, MDK

Edgardo `Bing' Grandeza gives the details of the 3rd Mayor Duterte           National Blackbelt Championship on Thursday's DSA Forum at the Tower           Inn sponsored by Genesis 88 Advertising and Tower Inn. The event is on           Nov.26, 1 p.m., at the Holy Cross of Davao College gym.(DSA)   





The 5 Elements
Soo Bahk Do Ho Sin Sul
Moo Duk Kwan US National 2004
Moo Duk Kwan Academy Tournament
Nikki doing her Hyung
Nikki on her freestyle Sparring
SooBahkDo Sparring
TangSooDo Sparring
Bakbakan Na!!!!
Pacquiao vs Morales 3
My Favorite Mixed Martial Artist

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A Members' Email Exchange

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 General Information on

 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

  Moo Duk Kwan

Reports, Summary 2001
History (Metro Manila)
Cluster E Key Structure
Cluster E Milestone
Cluster E Challenge
Cluster E Plans
Picture Gallery
2007 Events

Administrative Office:

House of Angels Montessori School 
Soo Bahk Do Club

affiliated with :

Moo Duk Kwan
Soo Bahk Do, Inc
51 Santiago Artiaga St. Davao City
Tel no. : +63 (082) 221-0753/227-4269
affiliated with :
World Moo Duk Kwan



    Founder Hwang Kee, Grandmaster HC Hwang
Mission 2000
History of Moo Duk Kwan
The Beginning of SooBahkDo
The Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji
Scientific SooBahkDo
The Merit of Training Soo Bahk Do
Belt System

A must f or all members
U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Wiki

"an excellent communication tool that gives members access to the latest information, but also allows us to collaborate on federation goals, activities, projects, and committees"
-Ricky Diaz Jo Kyo
Get A Wiki FREE Account 

Enter Vision Tour Photo Galleries

Kwan Jang Nim's
60th Birthday Celebration
In Korea 2007
 Join The Celebration!
[Pre-Register To Attend]

Moment with the Masters
January 26-28 2007

Camp Oakridge

27222 Hwy-78 Ramona, CA 92065

Download Registration Forms here *multi-person discounts available
Get A Free Wiki Account For Full Access

Calendar Of Events

South East Asian Leadership Seminar
 in Canberra, Australia
21-24 April 2007

Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do  Tang Soo Do Training courtesy of Various sources

Soo Gi
Hand Combinations
Jok Gi
Hand and Foot Combns
Foot Combinations
Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun
Ho Sin Sul
Ja Yu Dae Ryun

Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do Tang Soo Do

History of Karate (Japan  version)
History of Karate (Korean  version)
Brief History of Judo
Brief History of Arnis
The Fighting Side of Tang Soo Do
The Tang  In Tang Soo Do
The Truth About Pyung Ahn Hyungs
The History of Bassai
Organizational Power within the Moo Duk Kwan
Asthma and the Martial Arts
Kung Fu Tonteis
Judo lessons
Arnis Lessons
How does one become a Blackbelt
Status of Promotion
Sparring Principles
Essentials of self-control
Principles of self-discipline

Soo Bahk !!!
  Tang Soo !!!


We hope that you find this web site interesting and helpful. Please let us know your thoughts, impressions, questions or perhaps in ways which we may be able to help you. Simply click on our e-mail address with your input. We will get back to you soon. Thanks for being a part of the Cluster E - LUZON Philippine Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do Kamsahamnida!!!! Maraming Salamat Po!!!! May this site makes the best of your MOO DO experience :-)

 Wild Cat Tang Soo Do


Rights and Duties
Club Policies
Code of Conduct
Picture Gallery

Wild Cat Tang Soo Do
affiliated with:
Moo Duk Kwan
Soo Bahk Do, Inc


Site created and maintained by


Dennis Arriola #39702  E-mail the Webmaster


Liason Officer:
  Omar Janducayan