All nominees were appropriately proposed and seconded
End of Summer
Barbecue Review
By Julie E. Randall
To B-B-Q or not to B-B-Q
Will it be on Saturday or will it be on Sunday?
Will it be fine or will it be wet?
Shall we have a good time?
Well, to quote Bob "Yes, we can!"
That was the opinion of about 90 or so swimmers and their families that turned up on a dry but windy (too windy for the gazebo) Porthkerry Park, on Sunday Sept 2nd. If you were sitting at home thinking “I’m not going in this rain” then pity really, as it did not rain until 4.10pm. As promised by Chief Chefs, Phil Cook (we loved the pinny) and Pete Gosling, embers were lit on the enormous barbecue at 11am and th first sausage consumed by 11.40am. There was a vast and varied array of burgers, kebabs, shish or otherwise, and some sausages that were quite new to my palate. Thanks must be given to “Nick the butcher” at this point for his generosity in supplying the meats (he does have a lovely shop in Lead Street), we are very sorry you could not join us Nick, but you did insist on going on holiday! There were so many bread rolls that I was beginning to look for the lorry that they had fallen off! Mr Dave Haller arrived early on the scene and was quick to have a game of cricket, but only after his cup of tea, supplied from the tea tent (you had to be there.) Baseball (thanks for the equipment Peter) was played all day on a very competitive level with no holds barred, father against son, sister against sister. Some children even went off for a round of golf. Rumour has it that they should stick to swimming!
Of course at all swimming events there has to be a raffle and this occasion was no exception. Prizes varied, wine chocolates etc. However the surprise was that there were no takers for the main prize; the chance to be class manager for a year to the squad of your choice! Strange that The raffle was drawn by young Stephen Cocks who had an admirable 3 home runs at baseball, we just couldn’t stop him running, lets hope his front crawl will be as fast! So a good time was had by all and many thanks to the Social Committee for a splendid day out. However, I am off sausages for a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Haller demonstrates his cricket skills |
Phil Cook and Pete Gosling demonstrate their cooking skills |