Before looking forward to 2002, I would like to reflect back at some of our achievements last year. The National Speedo League Finals in April found us finishing 3rd in the ‘B’ Final, rewarding us with a ranking as one of the top Swimming Clubs in the UK. A couple of months later at the Welsh Age Group Championships in Swansea, our swimmers performed exceptionally well once again and by winning over twice as many gold medals as the nearest best Club, we maintained our position as Top Swimming Club in Wales. This was reinforced further later in the year at the Welsh Winter Championships in December, where our final medal tally once again out-numbered all other Welsh Clubs.
Apart from their invaluable contribution to our overall Club performance during the year, our individual swimming achievements were equally as impressive. Superb coaching by our professional and volunteer staff resulted in 16 of our swimmers achieving qualifying times for the National Age Group Championships and representation at the highest level in national and international events rounded an impressive 2001 for the City of Cardiff Swimming Club. With qualification to another Speedo League Final, numerous Open Meets, Inter-Clubs, Championships of one category or another and not forgetting of course, the Commonwealth Games, there is so much to look forward to in 2002.
Many of our senior swimmers have qualified for the Commonwealth Games Trials and I am especially looking forward to following their progress up to and after these trials. Indeed, it is this ever-improving success of our Club, that we have received interest and movement from swimmers of other clubs in recent months, all wanting to share and improve our depth of ability further. I am delighted that we have a Club that welcomes all from within and outside the County borders and may we always be able to embrace all those that wish to develop further in this great sport of swimming.
The only uncertainty on the horizon still is the future of the pool in WIS. We decided at the outset to maintain a low public profile stance in our discussions and correspondence with the Sports Council for Wales, Cardiff County Council, National Assembly for Wales and our governing body WASA.
Needless to say, that all our deliberations have the very best interest for our Club. We believe that it is this method of approach that will result in achieving our aim of maintaining the WIS facility until our longer-term objective of a 50-metre facility in Cardiff is achieved. We believe that it is by adopting such a professional, but determined stance that has led to the Sports Council for Wales to issue their latest statement; “SCW would not close the pool at the Institute until the new National Swimming Pool becomes operational.” Furthermore, we have been advised that; “The SCW is currently in discussions with Cardiff County Council about including the provision of a new pool for the City in building a new swimming pool in Cardiff.” With statements coming from such a high authority, we are cautiously optimistic about the future of our facilities, but we will nevertheless continue to pursue all lines of communication available to us until we achieve our objective.
Airey Club Chairman