to my Homepage -- a little online home for me to update my friends and
Where am I?
I am on vacation of course! I'm at the tail end of Summer before I go back to work at the end of August. Through what can be described only as a confusing plotting of events, I began the summer laid off by Portland Public Schools, took a job with the Gresham-Barlow School District, was recalled by Portland Public, quit my Gresham job, and am now securely holding just one job for next year: 7th Grade Language Arts, Socail Studies, and the elective of my choice (currently thinking Spanish).
Anyways, I will be working at Beaumont Middle School in NE Portland this next year (and hopefully many after that). I don't know a whole lot, so you will definately have to keep you eyes on this webpage. We'll see if I can't keep this more updated that I have been....