* Video Clips *

Watch Surya perform in these short video clips, arranged chronologically by date of performance. Most are in MPG Format. If you cannot view this format, go to the Microsoft Download Center, look in the pull-down menu for "Windows Media Player" and download the latest version.

Surya nails a Split Jump-Triple ToeLoop-Double ToeLoop out of a Walley entrance at the 2000 Goodwill Games. (MPG Format)

To cap off a magnificent program, Surya performs her famous backflip to take first place at the 2000 Goodwill Games!(MPG Format)

Surya completes a gorgeous spin combination at the 2000 Japan Open. (MPG Format)

Surya nails a Triple Flip jump at the beginning of her Technical Program to "Exotica" & "Duel of the Fates" at the 1999 World Professional Championships.(MPG Format)

Surya does a straighline footwork sequence, complete with Besti roll, in her program to "River Deep, Mountain High" by Tina Turner. (MPG Format)

Surya skates her short program to the sound of CARAVAN at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan. (Real Video)

Surya completes a Triple Salchow-Double Toe combination in her free skate at the 1997 European Championships.(AVI Format)

Surya performs her trademark 1-Footed Backflip, right into a Triple Salchow during the Exhibitions following the 1996 World Championships.(AVI Format)

Check back for more video clips to come...