Surya Bonaly Picture Gallery

Welcome to the new, faster-loading picture gallery! All pictures not otherwise labeled are either contributed anonymously or taken by me.

Please do not copy or reproduce without my permission. Thank-you.

1994 NHK Trophy:

Long Program


Above photos courtesy of Takami.

1996 World Championships:


1997 European Championships:

Short Program

Long Program

1997 Skate Canada International:

Short Program

Long Program

1998 European Championships:

Short Program

Long Program

Above photos courtesy of J. Barry Mittan.

1998 Winter Olympic Games:

Short Program

Long Program

Surya on the Rosie O'Donnell Show:

Screen Stills

1999 StarSkates Broadway:

1999 World Professional Championships:


Technical Program

Artistic Program


Check back often for updates and new pictures. Also, additional photos that are not located in the gallery may
be found under each individual event in the "Reviews" section of the site. Photo contributions are welcome.