Surya is well-known for being one of the nicest & friendliest people in the skating world. This page is to be a testimony of that. If you have met Surya and don't mind sharing your encounter with fellow fans of Surya, please E-mail me at and I'll post your story. Thanks to all those who have contributed!

      My encounter was entirely by chance. I am a high school teacher, and our school took a group of students to New York City for a end-of-the-year trip. During our visit in May of 1996, we attended the Broadway show, Beauty and the Beast. The show was terrific and our group was enjoying it immensely. During the intermission, I got up to stretch. When I looked over to the aisle, I noticed a lady who strongly favored Surya's mother. I made mention of this to the students, and they simply chuckled at their "dorky" teacher. The more I looked at this woman (her features are quite recognizable), I knew it was Ms. Bonaly. I thought she was probably visiting New York while her daughter was on the Champions on Ice Tour. I approached her and asked her for her autograph. Hey, if I couldn't get Surya's, I might as well get the mom's. When I asked her for her autograph, she was quite gracious, but she didn't give it to me. Instead, she replied in a heavy French accent, "She's right up here." I didn't fully understand her until she pointed up the aisle. There was Surya. Before I knew it, I ran down the aisle calling her name, "Surya!" Now you must understand, here is a 6'1" big, tall Southern guy running towards this petite skater - she was a little taken back. However, when I approached her, I exclaimed I was from Nashville and gave her my name; I told her how I thoroughly enjoyed her skating. Oddly enough, she actually remembered my name. The previous year, I had given her a stuffed animal with my name on it, and she sent me several autographed post cards of her skating. She also wrote a very nice personal note on one of the cards. I then hollered at my students, and they all came to meet her. They had heard me mention her in class (her name was often on bonus questions), and they had seen my post cards which I display in the classroom. She was so gracious and took the time to meet each of the kids. She also was prepared, and gave them each a signed post card. We chatted for a few minutes, and I told her that she would be the next World Champion. She smiled humbly and said, "We'll see." Unfortunately, later that Spring, she had her Achilles tendon accident which prevented her from skating at the '97 World's. I hope I didn't jinx her!? After meeting Surya, I noticed several other skaters from the tour were there. I met Rudy Galindo, Michelle Kwan, Brasseur and Eisler, Chen Lu, and Oksana Baiul (not a good experience - but that's another story). I can be totally unbiased when I say, Surya was the most gracious and didn't disappoint. She is a true class act.

      Since then, I have given her a stuffed animal at each of her shows in Nashville. She was recently in the TNN Country Goes Skating show. Honestly, Nashville isn't the most knowledgeable skating town. They applauded cordially for skaters as they performed until Surya came out. As a football and baseball fan, I thought, what the heck, enough of this socialite junk. I started going crazy - hollering her name and shouting wildly every time she landed a jump. I acted as if she scored a touchdown or hit a homerun. In fact, the crowd got into it and started chanting her name and applauding wildly. Nancy Kerrigan may have been the big name, but Surya stole the show. In fact, when I went to the bathroom, people recognized me and would give me high five's. Surya skated to my side of the rink, and pointed at me during her performance. My favorite move of hers is the backflip, triple salchow. As if just for me, she skates right in front of me and nails it. She was awesome. No skater generates her energy.
I hope you can use this story. It is special to me.

        - Scott Coble

December 6th, 1999

      I have long been a fan of Surya's, but until December of 1999, I had only seen her from afar in the stands and on television. That would change at the 1999 World Professional Championships. At that event, I decided to get a snowman and make it up with a French flag and a note to throw on the ice in order to show my appreciation for her skating. Little did I know that I would actually get to hand it to her personally and get a hug from her, too. I congratulated her on another great skate, and she was gracious and very appreciative. No other skater at this event took the time to go around to the boards and collect their gifts the way that Surya did. She is a truly a wonderful person, and on that night alone, she made a lot of her fans very happy. It's nice to know she is able to keep a level mindset even amidst all her success. I look forward to seeing her skate next December at the World Pros, and I hope one day I will be able to talk with her briefly to let her know what a positive effect she's had on my life and the lives of countless others.

September 9th, 2000

          I was fortunate enough to be able to see Surya skate at the "Evening on Ice 2000" United Way Skating Benefit in Marlborough, Massachusetts on September 9th, 2000. After the 1:30 show I went "backstage" to see if I could catch up to her and say hi. I was in luck! It was just Surya, Suzanne, a man who I think was her agent, Surya's dog Fifi, and myself in her dressing room. She signed my program and took a picture with me. Each one of them was so friendly. We just stood there and talked for close to 10 minutes about various subjects. I continue to be impressed with Surya's amiable personality. I look forward to watching her skate live this December at the World Pros. Go Surya!

        - Brent