Triple T Basketball Skills
Basketball Post Offense
Shooting the Hook Shot
Camps, Clinics & Workshops
About Coach Odhiambo
Corprate Events/Seminar/Meeting
Triple T Current Event Page

Summer Basketball Camps Guest Appearance, Clinics, Workshops, etc.

Coach Odhiambo is currently filling his summer camp appearance schedule. Don't get left out to bring Joe "the trickstar" Odhiambo to your camp this summer. He has a variety of programs that will meet most of your camp needs. Check out Summer Basketball Camps to learn more about his programs.

End of School Year Program:

We are first approaching the end of the school year, and I am sure you, teachers, will be looking for a fun, entertaining, and educational program to ease the pressure of taking the AIMS/DPA test. Look no further than Triple T School Programs. I am sure you will find something to meet your students' needs.

To read Triple T Basketball past events, check out Triple T Update.

Photo Gallery

link to Post Offense/Hook Shot

link to Summer Camps

link to Instructional Booklets

link to Dribbling Workout

link to School Programs

3T Programs
  • Individual Power Post Offense

  • Inspiration for the Program

  • Motivational Speaker

  • R.E.A.C.H for the Stars!

  • Basketball Entertainment

  • Birthday Party with Joe

  • Summer Camp Guest Star

  • Coaches' Corner (practice).

  • Photo Gallery

  • World Record Progress Report

  • Triple T Event Calendar

  • Sign or View Guestbook

  • Corporate Meeting/Seminar/Events

  • Triple T Message Board

  • Q&A

  • E-Mail

  • Triple T Basketball & Entertainment
    The programs that will change the outlook of what you do in practice. Triple T offers coaching on every aspect of your basketball development. Click on Basketball Skills to see a list of Triple T Basketball Skills programs.

    Amazing Motivational Speaker
    Convincing tips and strategies that will inspire you to work hard to attain your goals. Triple T offers a series of inspiration, motivational talks that are customized to meet all your needs. Check out Speaking Engagement for a list schools to corporate programs.

    Individual Post Offense (Tall, Tough, & Talented)
    If you are post player, you must check out Tall, Tough & Talented. Coach Odhiambo has researched and studied every aspect of individual post offense for more than 20 years. Among the skills that he has mastered are scoring options and shooting the convention one-step hook shot. If you are a post player without a functional hook shot, you need to check out Tall, Tough & Talented for more information on individual post offense, and developing this magnificent hook shot.

    Basketball Dribbling Fundamental Skills
    Learn the art of dribbling from the best! A 12 time Guinness World Record Holder, Coach Odhiambo will give you tips that will help you become an amazing dribbler in the shortest time possible. check out his tips and principles at Basketball Dribbling Fundamentals.

    World's Greatest Basketball Dribbling Show
    Amazing basketball demonstration that will inspire you do your best in everything that you do. Over the past 12 years, Odhiambo has developed one of the world's greatest basketball handling demonstration with over 500 tricks and stunts. These tricks and stunts includes dribbling six basketballs and spinning up to 24 basketballs simultaneously.

    His unique basketball dribbling demonstration has been seen all over the world include at the NBA All-Star games (4 time performer) WNBA, Colleges, High School, and numerous sites across United States. To see a list of Odhiambo's impressive performance credentials and pictures, click on Amazing Ball-handling Show.

    Success Secret through Practice
    Learn elusive the secret to success through practice. Most of us think that all we have to do to success in practice is work hard. Well, that is not enough! If you don't understand what it takes to success through practice, it does not matter how hard you practice, you will not succeed. You have to be smart and practice hard to succeed. Check out Success Secret through Practice to gain the knowledge that will change your attitude toward practice and allow you to get better. It is this simple, if you don't understand what it takes to success through practice, you are wasting your time practicing.

    Sixty Minute Daily Workout Program
    If you are interested in staying in shape during the off-season, look no further than our Sixty Minutes Daily Workout. This program is designed to not only keep you in shape, it will help you maintain and learn new skills while working out for just an hour. All you have to do is customize the workout to fit your needs, and have fun practicing. Check the program at Sixty Minutes Daily Practice Program

    Individual Power Post Offense | Inspiration for the Program | Motivational Speaker | R.E.A.C.H for the Stars! | Basketball Entertainment | Summer Camp Guest Star | Coaches' Corner (practice).
    Photo Gallery | Corporate Meeting/Seminar/Events| Triple T Message Board| Q&A E-Mail
    site maintained by Triple T Basketball Skills