These are the newest pics added to my page, those since the 13th of September.
The old list of pics was getting too long.
As with the other pics pages, the newest ones are at the top.

New pics!

Foppa and Sundin flanking some old coachy-looking guy. Foppa and Mats look very good...
A cool little pic of Salo, Sundin, and Foppa
A very very very beautiful pic of Foppa
A really cool and unusual pic of Ohlund
A really awesome pic of some guy, I don't know who he is believe it or not
Awww...Teemu...and that stupid wussboy Kariya
A nice pic of Sergei
An um....revealing pic of Foppa...take a look
A very nice sweet looking pic of can people not like him
An awesome pic of Nicky from the new Wings merchandise catalog...mmm! I love this pic! Nicky!
Igor from the new Wings merchandise catalog...he looks so good for his age...mmm
Kozzie from the new Wings merchandise catalog...
Stevie from the cover of the new Wings merchandise catalog...oh what hair
A little pic of Stevie from the Wings merchandise catalog...with golf junk
Shanny from the new Wings merchandise shorts
A better b&w Shanny head shot
A bad Shanny headshot...but you Shanimaniacs may like
Mmmm...a nice pic of Yashin
An awesome pic of Sergei in shorts from the Wings merchandise catalog.
Take a look...awesome pic
A really cool pic of some European Olympic players
A cool shot of some North American Olympic players...
Nicky looking really nice...aaah
A nice rarely seen view of McCarty...nice legs...nice and open
A rarely seen and...nice...view of Malts...
well, part of him
An...unusual angle of Martin Lapointe...take a look
A cool little pic of Maltby
A pic for you Shanimaniacs
A really awesome pic of the Russian 5 - those were the days
An awesome pic of Zdenek eating key lime pie. And he's in shorts! (top left) Mmmm...awesome!
A Cool T-Bird Player of the Night pic of's big and awesome
A nice little pic for you Shanimaniacs...
A nice candid pic for you Ozzettes...
A nice candid pic of Maltby
For you Ozzettes...a pic of a smiling Ozzie
Sergei looking amazingly handsome and sweet in a All-Star jersey . An awesome pic.
An All-Star shot of a cheerful and happy looking Sergei
A cool pic of Pasha in a Russian military hat of some kind.
A nice headshot of Almo, always looking like the good guy.
I don't even know who these players are...but it is a very sweet pic.
Foppa on a Harley. What an awesome pic.
An old Modo issued card depicting a young Foppa. Very cool.
The Canadian National Team dressing room!
I can think of a few items from there I would like... The hockey pants...
A neat pic of a few guys from the Canadian National Junior Team playing around. Yum...those legs...
A few guys from The Canadian National Junior Team at the amusement park again.
I can spot Kelman (Left) and DeCecco (3rd from left) in the pic.
The Canadian National Junior Team at an amusement park again. Pretty cool pic - hockey players in shorts...more nice legs
The Sedin's on their birthday (yesterday the 26th). Unusual pic.
Andrei Nazarov. Alot of people hate him. He is big and mean.
But from all I have heard, off ice he is the nicest guy. And just look at him. He's a big sweetie. He's one of my players.
Nazarov in hockey pants (in the background).
I know this pic is on another of my pages too...but I like it and it has Nazarov!
Nazarov examining a stick...nice nice legs...
Nazarov at training camp, he's drinking the water. He looks nice.
Nazarov signing autographs, looking good
A hilarious pic of that wuss Modano. Look at this pic.
Those huge crowds of people are the Dallas residents who came to see the Cup paraded through town. 75000 showed.
In Detroit, well over a million showed. Who says hockey isn't big in the south...
This pic proves him to be the most effeminate player in the NHL. Just look at the girly glow.
Oh yeah, and the Stars didn't "win" the Cup, the league gave it to them.
A funny pic of Shanny shaving
Some pseudo-official (sold as "collectors items" - yeah right, what an investment) Red Wings postage stamps.
So odd, I had to put them here.
A pic of Khabibulin. I dunno why I like it, I just do.
Maybe it's that Russian look...
A nice little pic of Yashin. He can be very attractive
A really really nice little pic of Yashin
An official pic of Yashin
A pic of Shanny, Janney, and Nelson Emerson
If you know the story behind Shanny and Janney, you'll laugh at the pic
Zdenek from a pic, but cut so you just see him
The Stevie TV Guide from a few years ago...not a bad shot.
The cool Sergei and Stevie "19-91" pic from 1991.
A really nice pic of Stevie from the 80's. You Stevie freaks should love it.
An old pic of Stevie at a softball game...from the 80's
Stevie going up to bat at a game in the 80's. You Stevie fans should thank me for these unusual pics...hehe
A headshot of Stevie at a softball game from the 80's
A brand new pic of Fedor Fedorov! Look at the resemblance to his brother.
Fedor is now playing for Windsor in the OHL.
Fedor skating, now that he is playing in the OHL
A pic of Sergei playing with a puck in the 97 playoffs.
A neat old Canucks promo pic, Pasha and his good friend Gino look especially nice in it.
A very nice looking off ice pic of Kozzie
A nice pic of Kozzie in a baseball outfit
A weird shot of Ohlund with a ball. Hey, it's Ohlund, so I couldn't resist!
Russians with the Cup in 98
A funny pic of Stevie from the turtleneck series...for the Stevie nuts
The Kirk Maltby 1997 SI cover, by request
I got a request for McCarty with no shirt, so here you go
McCarty with no shirt, again by request...
Zdenek on draft day. He is one of my favourite players.
He is in the WHL playing for Seattle. He will be an NHL'er
Zdenek off ice, he is on the right. He's just so awesome.
A nice on ice posed pic of Zdenek...he's one of my players
A really cool pic of Sergei having dinner with his parents, Fedor, and the Ilitchs!
A very recent pic of Sergei, from training camp.
Looks like the gross hair is gone.
Teemu looking just awesome, as usual. He's great.
A really nice pic of Foppa. I don't know what to call him in this...sweet or adorable.
Sorry for that...but it's a great pic
Foppa on some steps. It's a rare shot showing his legs!
Too bad it isn't closer, eh?
Stevie signing autographs at training camp.
Bad hair!
A shot of Holmer from the latest exhibition game that some people here it is.
A candid pic of his car. Looks like a Viper.
Pics a friend gave me of the Wings charity softball game.
This one has Maltby looking nice in shorts
The next softball pic...another shot of a nice looking Maltby showing his legs...
The next softball pic, this one with Drapes and McCarty, both in shorts...yum.
And you can see McCarty's freak platinum blond locks! Drapes also has lightened hair.
A softball pic, showing Drapes and McCarty again
The platinum blond nightmare running the bases!