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New pics!

A little pic of Foppa with his car - a Mercedes SL
An intense looking shot of Stevie....
Foppa walking...I wouldn't mind making it so he wasn't alone...
A cute little pic of Sergei playing a game at a "Gameworks"
A pic of Sergei captured from some TV show...awesome Sergei
A pic of Nicky captured from some TV show...aaah Nicky
A pic of Stevie captured from some TV show...for you Stevie freaks
A pic of Ozzie captured from some TV show...for the Ozzettes
I promised a pic of Ozzie for someone, so here it is...
Sergei after some Playoff game....with a bit of facial hair! I kid you not.
Usually I hate facial hair, but it's on Sergei, so it is OK
A nice pic of Sergei after he re-signed with the Wings.
A cool pic of stevie with the Cup on a jet ski. It shows a little...
Is Sergei lookin at ya?
An awesome shot of The Professor,Papa Bear, and Kozzie
It almost gets to an interesting view. But still awesome.
A cool pic of Kovalev, he is nice
A cool shot of Stevie with his tooth out.
I think this look can be good.
The same shot of Stevie, a little bigger
A new pic for all you Stevie lovers...
Stevie shirtless!
Stevie shirtless again...
An awesome pic of Sergei and Kozzie in a moment of joy
Sergei as a rookie
A cool pic with Nazarov and Ozo in hockey pants!
Hockey pants are awesome.
I like Zyuzin, I can tell he is a good guy
Andrei Zyuzin...he's just great. If he ever wants to hide out at my house...
Foppa just after his recent shoulder surgery
A little pic of Sergei with the Russian National team,
when he was in his late teens
A very nice pic of #1 draft pick Patrik Stefan
A great candid pic of Pavel Brendl
A neat pic of the Sedin twins, the newest Canucks
Sergei with a kid...I wish I was in that spot. I have just been told that the kid is actually Fedor.
A pic of Sergei on a Wings mag cover...what a smile!
A new/old pic of Stevie...draft day
Andrei Zyuzin, I really like him
Foppa looking just awesome and sweet
Foppa looking pretty slick in his All Star jersey
Andrei Zyuzin, such a nice guy
Zyuzin much more could be said, he is awesome
Aaah Zyuzin, he is a good one
Miro Satan looking quite nice
A nice pic of Marco Sturm
My three favourite Wings - Nicky, Sergei, and Stevie
Sergei looking bored...pretty funny
an...ummm...interesting pic of a hockey team
Now what is Doug Weight doing, anyway?
Petr Nedved looking nice
A new one for you Shanimaniacs, Shanny in a suit
A nice pic of Alexei Yashin
The funniest pic of Foppa, with bad teeth
A very cool pic of Teemu!
I have been getting requests for old Stevie pics, so here is one
Another old Stevie pic
Yet another old Stevie pic
A nice old pic of Stevie
Another old Stevie favourite one
Guess what? Another old Stevie pic!
The last old Stevie pic, for now.
Almo, one of my favourite Russians and one of the best Canucks.
An awesome pic of Foppa...look at those eyes.
I can get lost in his eyes
Oh oh Ohlund, awesome awesome Ohlund
An awesome, shirtless Doug Weight
Andrei Zyuzin...I like him
A cool pic of Sergei from about 5 years ago
A cool pic of Stevie yelling from the bench
Oh oh oh Ohlund
An awesome pic of the Wings with the Cup in can see Nicky and Sergei and Vladdie among others
A nice headshot of Nicky, from a pic appearing elsewhere on this site
For all you Mess lovers out there...
An awesome pic of Nicky sitting on the boards...I wish I could have been there
A very nice pic of Sandis Ozolinsh
Saku Koivu looking nice...
Sergei with a cut nose...poor Sergei
An awesome pic of Jiri Slegr
A very nice pic of Alexei Kovalev...I like him.
Alexei with the cup
Alexei with a soccer ball. Soccer is popular among Russian players.
Sabres prospect Cory Sarich...I like...
Foppa as a rookie...note the lack of facial hair
Another pic for you Shanimaniacs!
A nice off ice pic of Scott Stevens
Three LA Kings on bikes...nice shot of Patrice Tardif
Three Sabres playing
Teemu getting a massage, while Dave Karpa looks on...nice
A cool pic of goalie Jim Carey stretching...not a bad view
Michel Petit exercising...nice
I think this pic is cool
Penguins in their dressing room!
Jason Weimer and Rudy Poeschek...nice
I think this pic of Geoff Sanderson shaping his blade is awesome


pic of Roman Hamrlik...just amazing.
Cute rookies (1996)- Tverdovsky, Doan, and Kilger
Shanny in bed, with room to spare
Stevie getting interviewed in the dressing room, and he looks awesome
A funny pic of Theo Fleury
Zubie for you-know-who 1
Zubie for you-know-who 2
Zubie for you-know-who 3
Zubie for you-know-who 4
Zubie for you-know-who 5