Michael P. Dunn
I'm 41 years old and an
avid outdoorsman.  I
live in Southern
California. I own a
antique 18 ft.Glasspar
Cuddy Cabin boat.  I
spend a lot of  time on
the water fishing, both
offshore and inland.
I hunt and fish every
vacation in Texas,
Mississippi, and
California. I am a
Production Manager
in a new company
called Digital Angel
Corp.  I'm married to a
very special lady.
I have true friends all over the U.S.
Tim & Angela in Mississippi.  David &
Shona  in Texas.  David, Karen & Joe,
Dale & Suzie in California.
My friend David Wells with a nice hog
taken in Texas,Dec. 98
My hobbies and interests include hunting (black
powder, rifle, shotgun, archery), reloading shotshells
and centerfire, camping,  water and snow sking, fishing
(salt and fresh water), boating,  restoring boats, hiking,
traveling (especially Mexico).
My friend Tim Crews with a
nice buck taken in
Mississippi, January 00
I'm married to a beautiful lady Maria, she is from Vera
Cruze, Mexico.  My oldest sister Debbie  is a working
mother in a bakery and also a housewife in Wisconsin
with four children. My middle sister Colleen is the V.P. of
the MIS Department at William Sonoma. And finally my
mother Kathy is a  very active 70 year old who travels the
world and has visited most of the sevenwonders of  the
My Home
My wife and I at our resort in Canyon
Lake, Texas.