This is my first update in ages (06.02.00)
those two elephants have been shot in the head, at my command. Don't worry though, as those two grey freaks still live on... in my new ivory shoes! ... Right I'm going to read my book because I'm... fun (20.02.00)
So basically, there's a Milky Way Spread Thief (21.02.00)
Michael will be the sellotape between each heart piece (20.05.00)
1-12-23-1-25-19 2-5-12-8-5-22-5 (28.05.00)
Hype, controversy and speculation. They all have their roots, they aren't completely concocted in a person's mind. They stem from something. Something deep, something warm and something special. ... I believe every word I am writing here! ... the nicest, sweetiest, honeyest, syrupiest girl in the world, and she doesn't deserve to be treated badly (16.06.03)
Some of them are old, but then again, so are your grandparents. So get over it (24.06.00)
how about we listen to that 'Thong Song' by Sisquouoiuoioo? (16.07.03)
One word: bored... for the first
time in history, yes I'm gonna watch
Dawson's Creek! ... One half of me wants a job, the other half reallys hates the
first half ... What I hate most about life right now: No
matter how much somebody promises you, and tells you they won't, the probability
of being let down is ALWAYS 50% ... Always believ... in fact, don't ALWAYS
believe. Believe only in yourself! (29.07.00)
All I can say is this: I will not,
repeat will
not ever fit into some typical male stereotype. Cans will not be crushed against
my head, nor will girls be asked to suck my genitalia as soon as I meet them. My
hands will always smell
summer fresh dammit, as boys should ALWAYS wash their hands after going to the
bathroom, it just makes sense! I will tell jokes, will be a good listener and
will be myself. So no matter
what people say, what people do, through whatever snide comments and gestures, I
will always have three words for those who call me anything I'm not: GO FUCK
YOURSELF (03.08.00)
Someone once described my site as 'an essential multimedia resource for the impending millenium'. That person was me (12.08.00)
long periods of sleep I like to call
"sleeping" (19.08.00)
Word I must stop saying: Jerk ... Thing I must stop doing: drinking (27.08.00)
I have updated the webpage that the
French call 'Website de CLASS' ...
I had a girlfriend for a few days! (17.10.00)
Oh no it's Halloween... ghosts! Aaarrggh!
Not really (31.10.00) ... Watch your back G, you never know where dem gansters
be lurking!
Just kidding ... I got over my initial dislike for politics which I'd had ever
since my offer to become Prime Minister of Chile was rejected in '88 (09.11.00)
Word of the day is 'coin' (20.11.00)
kids would be a
lot happier if you weren't so bloody stupid ... Fucking losers, the lot of 'em.
Worthless scum ... Another thing I don't like is Emineminem, that white rapper
... What else? Oh yeah, internet people. I've had enough of them. I erased my
fecking ICQ list the other day because pretty much everybody on it is a loser.
Half of them are virgins and the other half are just gay, so fuck them all to
hell! Especially the skateboardists who listen to grunge, why are you shouting
so loud for attention? If you wanna be different why did you join a fecking
group in the first place?!?! Make your own group, be unique! There's nothing
good about dyed hair and a 'Korn' t-shirt. Same applies with high-angled caps,
mobile phones and Pikachu. You're not taking over, I promise you that now...
people have had enough and it's time for somebody to do something about it ...
People frustrate me more than they used to (03.12.00)
In life, you have
to be tough. You have to build your own thick shell to keep out those who will
hunt you down and kill you the moment you
stick your head out. Some of us can do it, some of us can't, some of us don't
even try and prefer to be washed away by 'whatever' ...
remember: you can't spell analysis without 'ANAL'
... I ended up in a position I shouldn't have put myself in, and I accept wholly
that the situation was completely of my own making ... the man who put out the
best couple of Wildfires ever ... I feel like Salmon Rushdie (sp?) ... people
hide behind screens and shout loudly ... Always Betray (09.12.00)