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Here's a tasty tid bit on fencing. Read on - it's quite amusing...
Found in Reaney under the header <Scrimgeour, Scrimgeoure, Scrimger,Scrimiger,
Scrymgeour, Scrimshaw, Skrimshaw, Skrimshire>:
"OFr escremisseor, -our, eskermisor, scremissour, `fencing-master'.
"Scrimshaw and Skrimshire are more common in England, Scrimgeour
in Scotland, where Black also gives the forms Skrimagour (1411), Scrymgeoure
(1456), Scrimigeor (1503) and Scrymger (1541).
"In spite of the re-enactment in 1285 of the Assize of Arms
of 1181, fencing was regarded as unlawful. The keeping of fencing-schools
was forbidden in the City of London `as fools who delight in mischief
do learn to fece with buckler, and thereby are encouraged in their follies'.
Fencing-masters were legally denominated as rogues and vagabonds and
classed with stage-players, bear-wards, gipsies and other undesirable

ABCs of Fencing
by Lady Caitlin Deirdre of Errelyn from the Kingdom of Aethelmearc.
A is for Agrippa
Well-known master of defense
B begins the buckler
Blocking blades when things get tense
C kills with a quick cut
With a throat or belly slice
D denotes a dagger
2nd blades can be so nice
E enters "en guarde"
The stance to start the fight
F is for a foil
Do keep your touches light
G guards with your gloves
And sometimes a gorget
H is for a hat
To bat the blade away
I begins Italian
A famous fencing school
J is for de Jarnac
Who won a famous duel
K is for the killing
(But we know it's all in fun)
L launches into lunge
Hard to stop once it's begun
M is for Musketeers
The famous fencing four
N is for parry nine
Back up and fight some more
O is your opponent
Composed or insecure
P begins the parry
To longer life ensure
Q stands for the quillons
To block the foe's attack
R is for the riposte
And hit the foe right back
S is our schlager swords
Watch out for heavy blows
T starts off a tourney
And facing many foes
U means dodging under
Or around the coming blade
V is voids and voltas
Words for turning to evade
W is White Scarves
Known as rapier elite
X is for exercise
For strategist and athlete
Y's an offer to yield
How a fight sometimes ends
And Z is for our zeal
In killing all our friends
