Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of subject matter.
The preprofessional teacher has a basic understanding of the subject matter and is beginning to understand that the subject is linked to other disciplines and can be applied to real world integrated settings. The teacher's repertoire of teaching skills includes a variety of means to assist student acquisition of new knowledge and skills using that knowledge.
8.1--Unit plan(s) demonstrating knowledge of the scope and sequence of subject-specific matter. 8.2--University supervisor's assessment of student command of subject matter and ability to communicate knowledge in developmentally appropriate ways.
Types of assessments used in specific programs (as noted): 8.3--Research papers, projects, poster session presentations on teaching specific subject content. (Health, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., English, Math) 8.4--Performance, products, or portfolio demonstrating accomplishment in content area. (Art, Health, Elementary, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., English, Math) 8.5--Lesson plan(s) linking Sunshine State Standards and subject matter content. (Agric, Art, Health, Elementary, Music, PE, Early Childhood, Foreign Lang., Math, Soc. Studies) 8.6--FTCE subject area test results. (Agric, Art, Health, Elementary, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., Math) 8.7--Demonstration lesson presented on video or live for peer/instructor evaluation on teaching in specific subject area. (Agric, Music, PE, English, Math) 8.8--Instructional objectives and lesson plans that demonstrate linking of knowledge from two or more disciplines. (Agric, Art, Elementary, PE, Sp. Ed.) 8.9--Pre K-12 student products/performances demonstrating knowledge/skills acquired under mentoring, tutoring, or formal classroom instruction. (Agric, Art, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., Math) 8.10--Cooperating teacher assessment of student command of subject matter and ability to instruct students in it. (Agric, Health, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., English, Math) 8.11--Student developed lesson plans correlated to Sunshine State Standards that address specific science content topics. (Science) 8.12--Student developed lesson plans linking knowledge from two or more subject areas. (Science) 8.13--Student papers, products or course assignments that focus on teaching specific course content. (Science) 8.14--Class presentations, projects, lesson plans, and unit plans on teaching specific social studies content. (Social Studies) 8.15--Class presentations, projects, lesson plans, and unit plans on teaching inter-disciplinary content (e.g., science and social studies, English, and social studies)(Soc. Studies) |