Practice Three -- Continuous Improvement
Engages in continuous professional quality improvement for self and school.
The preprofessional teacher realizes that she/he is in the initial stages of a life-long learning process and that self-reflection is one of the key components of that process.  While her/his concentration is, of necessity, inward and personal, the role of colleagues and school-based improvement activities increase as time passes.  The teacher's continued professional imporvement is characterized by self-reflection, work with immediate colleagues and teammates, and meeting the goals of a personal professional development plan.

3.1--Student's written personal professional development plan, including short and long-term goals with strategies for accomplishing them.
3.2--Cooperating teacher and/or university supervisor's reports on student's actions regarding self- and school improvement.
3.3--Student's written self-assessment of teaching competencies during or after practicum or internship experiences, including specific reflections on progress made and areas of improvement needed.

Types of assessments used in specific programs (as noted):
Written responses to structured class assignments requiring recognizing a school/classroom problem and identifying options for addressing it based on knowledge of research literature on school improvement. (Agric, Music, PE, Early Childhood, Foreign Lang., Elementary)
3.5--Student-developed proposal for a classroom-inquiry project designed to investigate the effectiveness of a particular teaching strategy or curricular innovation. (PE, Sp. Ed., Early Childhood, Foreign Lang., Elementary, English)
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Continuous Improvement
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Critical Thinking
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Human Devel. and Learning
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Knowledge of Subject Matter
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Learning Environments
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Role of the Teacher
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two