Uses effective communication techniques with students and other stakeholders. The preprofessional teacher recognizes the need for effective communication in the classroom and the processes of acquiring techniques which she/he will use in the classroom.
2.1--Evaluation reports of student communication/interaction skills with students, parents, and other school personnel by cooperating teacher and university supervisor. 2.2--Student-prepared lesson plans that provide K-12 students with opportunities for varied types of interactions (e.g., whole-group, cooperative learning, individual work, active listening).
Types of assessments used in specific programs (as noted): 2.3--Traditional tests of knowledge of a variety of communication and listening behaviors that teachers employ to promote a positive learning environment. (Agric, Health, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang.) 2.4--Instructor ratings of a student use of appropriate communication and interactive skills in class situations with peers. (Art, Agric, Health, Elementary, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., English, Math, Social Studies) 2.5--Peer/instructor evaluations of student performance in role-play or simulations of parent-teacher or student/teacher conferences. (Agric, Music, Social Studies) 2.6--Videotape of student interaction with pre K-12 students in a micro-teaching situation. (Music, PE, English, Math, Social Studies) 2.7--Student-prepared portfolio submissions that include instructional goals that communicate high expectations for learning adapted to student individual differences. (Art, Elementary, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., English, Math, Social Studies) 2.8--Student's written short and long term professional goals for growth in professional communications skills. (Agric, Sp. Ed, Early Childhood, English, Math, Social Studies) 2.9--Student-prepared portfolio submissions that include examples of written communication with parents, students, and/or other stakeholders. |