Illustration 12.1 -- Technology
Christopher Rosenke
EME 4406
Prof. Hartshorn
Spring 2002
Acceptable Grade Received on Assignment:
Accomplished Practice Performance Indicator:
12.1--Student project requiring use of technology in subject area to gather, organize, and present information.
Description of Assignment:
This assignment required the use of Microsoft Power Point to prepare a lesson for a high school American History Class.  The subject matter concerned the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.  Requirements of the project included: animated effects, links to the world wide web, nonlinear buttons, graphics, the build option, and word art.
This project required the use of technology (Microsoft Power Point) in preparing a lesson plan for my area of specialization (history).  The project would be presented as a part of the lecture/discussion for the class.
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Continuous Improvement
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Critical Thinking
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Human Devel. and Learning
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Knowledge of Subject Matter
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Learning Environments
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Role of the Teacher
Illustration One
Illustration Two
Illustration One
Illustration Two