Continuous Improvement
Critical Thinking
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Practice Four -- Critical Thinking
Uses appropriate techniques and strategies which promote and enhance critical, creative, and evaluative thinking capabilities of students.

The preprofessional teacher is acquiring performance assessment techniques and strategies that measure higher order thinking skills in students and is building a repertoire of realistic projects and problem solving activities designed to assist all students in demonstrating their ability to think creatively.

4.1--Student-developed lesson plan(s) designed to promote critical, creative, and evaluative thinking.
4.2--Evaluation reports of university supervisor and cooperating teacher on use of techniques for promoting and enhancing critical, creative, and evaluative thinking.

Types of assessments used in specific programs (as noted):
--Traditional in class examinations covering fundamental concepts of levels of cognitive thinking, problem solving, and creativity.  (Agric, Health, Elementary, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., Elementary, English)
4.4--Student-developed performance assessment exercise(s) produced as class assignment for assessment of higher order learning among K-12 students. (Art, Agric, Health, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., Foreign Lang., Elementary, English)
4.5--Written responses to case studies or essay problems that require identification and application of strategies, materials, and technologies that enhance problem-solving capabilities of K-12 students. (Health, PE, Sp. Ed., Elementary)
4.6--Student written critiques of examples of teaching, curricular materials, or assessment methods with respect to their congruence with principles of higher order thinking. (Art, Music, PE, Sp. Ed., Early Childhood)
4.7--Videotape segments of student providing feedback to K-12 students that encourage and guide creative approaches to problem solving in micro-teaching or actual teaching situations. (Music, PE, English)
Florida Accomplished Practices