Sample Plans
Fla. Acc. Pract's
Education Requirements

EDF 1005 Introduction to Education
A broad overview of education, teaching, and schools; a survey of historical, philosophical and social foundations; orientation to professional education; and the code of ethics.  A minimum of 30 hours of field experience is required as part of the course with a minimum of 15 hours in a school setting.  This is the first of 3 prerequisite core courses (9 hours) for students who plan to be teachers.

EDF 3135 The Adolescent
The special role that the adolescent plays in total development.  Emphasis is on the psychological development of the adolescent in the school.

EDF 3214 Learning and Cognition in Education
Recent theoretical advances in the psychology of learning and cognition are examined for their relevance to goal setting, instruction, and evaluation in educational settings.  Knowledge of learning and cognition at a level presented in a general psychology course is desirable as a background for this course.

EDF 3609 Sociological and Historical Foundations of Education
A sociological and historical analysis of schooling in American society.  Aims of education are examined in relation to social structures, institutions, and values; subcultures; social stratification; school law; and democracy and the sociology of the teaching profession.

EDF 4430 Measurement and Evaluation in Education
The basic principles and methods of measurement, evaluation, and test construction.

EDG 2701 Teaching Diverse Populations
A survey of educational demographics, foundations of prejudice, elements of culture, political and philosophical roots of diversity and commonality, exceptionalities, and barriers to cultural understanding and diversity in the classroom.

EEX 3070 Teachers and Learners in the Inclusive School
Characteristics of, identication of, and teaching practices for exceptional children who are in the mainstream of education.  Designed for general education majors, both elementary and secondary.

EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology
An introduction to computer productivity (word processing, data base, spread sheet, painting, drawing, layout presentations); multi-media (media design, digital video, presentation); communications (Internet, ERIC); educational software (computer-aided instruction, public domain software); interactive media (linked environments, one-to-many, presentations using electronic tools); reference (electronic encyclopedia, atlases, clip art, libraries, Internet); instructional applications (techniques); ethical, legal, and social issues.

EME 4406 Integrating Technology into the Curriculum
Course designed to provide students with approaches to teaching that assume technology.  Students gain experience with curriculum design and course development which assumes the use of technology.
History Requirements
Other Social Studies