Howard, Donald R. Writers and
This book written by Donald Howard gave descriptions of the pilgrims clothing and how they acted toward the clothing they had to wear. The descriptions gave vivid pictures of the pilgrims and how they would have really looked on their voyage. This book would be geared toward an upper level reader and not intended for younger children.
Lawall, Sarah The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces
Volume 1. W.W. Norton &
Company, Inc. 1984. (Pg
This book was very helpful in looking at the different clothing worn by the pilgrims. To find the information of the pilgrims clothing we used the general prologue which gave us clear vivid descriptions of the clothing worn. We were able to get a feel for what type of clothing they wore with the detail descriptions given about each pilgrim.
Murphy, Michael. “The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey
Chaucer: A READER-
General Prologue and sixteen tales.”
This is an
Internet site where someone can go and read the Canterbury Tales in Modern
English. Each section of the story is put into PDF format. All of the
individual tales are there along with the Introduction and the General Prologue.
We used this website to put the Introduction on the main page of our website.
Pfister, Autum. “Clothing in the,
This Internet site was written by a college student, probably for a project. It gives background information on the different laws that governed what different social classes could wear during the 14th century. We obtained information for our project that showed that some of the pilgrims were violating the laws, and wearing clothing that they were not allowed to.
Unknown. “Literary Characters Clipart Etc: An online
service of
Technology Clearinghouse.”
site full of clipart images from various works of literature. Designed by the