Smitty's Quotes

Mandy: Which lane are you in!? Me: Whichever one you put me in!

"Why would I want to hang out with someone cool when I can hang out with you?" (Manderson)

"It burns! It burns!" (Mandy)

(Hushed, through gritted teeth,) "Ix-nay on the esbian-lay!" (Jess, Mandy)

Mandy: Smitty, you can't do that!
Me: What? They're vericose veins...I'm just going to scratch them off with this
Mandy: Smitty, it's a has BLOOD in it! You can't just scratch it off!
Me: Look it's working
Mandy: I am not allowing you to perform surgery on yourself with a cuticle remover!"
Note to all who think I'm an idoit: The vein is now GONE, ha ha

"This alcohol swab will make it feel better....AAAAAAAAAAAAA blow on it blow on it!!!?"-Jackie, Amy, Mandy

"Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's nothintoseehere!"
-Coley and me in harmony (from Finding Nemo)

Me: Down in West VIrginia they all think I'm a fruitloop...
Coley: Spits out drink (one of many)

"Hot Jambalaya (I love us!)" -Coley, Mandy, Smitty Deanna....always in that order

Coley: I'm sensing you're hysterics. It's swell. I'll take a gander

"It's my shout! Yeah yeah right! Talk to the hand!"
-Kate to the CSJ Ducks in a really swell Aussie accent

"Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing."
-Anonymus, on faith

"She who watches rear-view mirror ends up in tree"

"This is pretty rock formation!" -Jennie, after about 10 minutes of silence, somewhere in New York

"Life is short... running makes it seem longer."

Stuff from back as far as Sophomore year....but I couldn't delete them!!

"Cause let's face it. This isn't normal. This is wierd." -Rob at Liturgical planners meeting

"Rock ON!!" -very serious Rob about writing our own mass parts

"Letting go isn't about losing control. Letting go is about realizing you never had control to begin with."

"For if we think we are the center of the universe, and that all things revolve around us, we will only be frustrated when things dont go the way we are trying to make them. Only by realizing that we are controled by the gravity & inertia that is God, and allow ourselves soar through the motions he wills our lives into, will we be truly free happy."
-part of a Father Walsh homily

"Father, your sermon was very moving today." "Oh my dear I had no idea what I was talking about!" -Father Walsh

"If you were an egg, you'd be sunny side up..." "...naw, over easy!" "ya...with a broken yolk!!" (Jen, Mandy)

"You have friends?" -Sister Rosemary to is she on the board more than me??!!!

"You arrogant mathamatical dick" (Mandy)

"Kristy: YAY YAY!!! *does a dance of joy* we so happy we both do a dance of joy
Me: YAY lets do it! *Does dance for joy* ...or even better ~ *Frolics!*
Kristy: di di da da da da di di, hey hey, happy happy joy joy! HEY!!
Kristy: haha yay!!i love forlicking!
Me: Frolic with me dude!
Kristy: I mean frolicking!!! haha shit, I did it again!
Me: I dont know what that is, but i imagine you need a pretty deep throat...
Kristy: AaaaaaaahahaH!
Me: dude we def just frolicked
Kristy: haha ya we did! damn we rock!"

"Wanna fight bitch? I got knives!!" -Me to Jessie (I made the board!!)

Me: OH Jennie! I speak Spanish! I have to help you teach the spanish people! I know the words for fork, knife, spoon and toaster...
Jennie: Realy Smitty? Guess what! I speak English too!!
Me: ...Oh...that was definately me just making an ass out of myself wasnt it?
Jennie: (thinks, stupid sophomore)

"I just keep my head down and try to keep out of the line of fire." -Rob on our Liturgical Planner's meetings. . . Even he's on the board more than me!

"No pun intended!" -Burke ~ (this one's all the way from high school...but it'll always be in my top ten ;-)


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