jump_ace's Gran Turismo Database                                        "Compare Yourself To The Best Of Your Own Abilities"

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Arcade Mode | Time Trials | Simulation Mode | License Tests | Hot Laps | Game Save File | How I Stack Up
Arcade Mode | School Mode | License Tests | Hot Laps | Game Save File
Arcade Mode | Simulation Mode | License Tests | Hot Laps | Game Save File | How I Stack Up
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I have finally got myself a Playstation III. My username is of course 'jump_ace' so look me up if you are ever online. Now ironically, I don't have an HDTV yet, but will after this summer's wedding. You heard right, found the girl that will let me race and we are a great match and contrast for each other. Once GT V Prologue comes out in March, I'll have some updates then. Since then I've been playin' around on the GT HD Demo getting some top 10 times if I take more than one lap that is. Then after my HDTV comes a new computer, or atleast more powerful guts. I will be mainly on the wheel once I get my hands on GT V Prologue. I won't be as fast but we'll see how it goes this time around in my Driving Force Pro.  If things go well, and there is a substantial price drop, I may get a G25 wheel.  I will pretty much be going back to GT until I get my new computer, then Sim Junkies will be a commonplace for me as well.  Enjoy your stay!


The spirit of the 60's and 70's is live and well, go see for yourself. You won't be disappointed.  Once I get my computer upgraded, I'll be able to bounce back and forth from console to pc. The second installment of the FIA GTR series, packed with everything you come to expect from SimBin and 10tacle studios.  This game is most like Gran Turismo in terms of car handling and Race is alos one I'll look into I wager.

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