elaine’s page
good song lyrics, movie lines,
and book quotes :
you start to care about something, that's when it hurts you. The thing you care for, that's where the
real pain comes from."
"No happiness can hold. Every life, every dream has its unraveling."
is a curious subject of observation and inquiry whether hatred and love be not
the same thing at bottom. Each supposes
a high degree of intimacy and heart-knowledge; each leaves the passionate
lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal
of his object. The two passions seem
the same, except one happens to be seen in a celestial radiance and the other
in a dusky and lurid glow."
"When I was a
child the story would say
Somebody will sweep you off
your feet someday
That's what I hoped would
happen with you
More than you would know
I wanted to tell you that my
heart's in your hands
I prayed for the day when I
would get the chance
But just when I worked up the
courage to try
Much to my surprise
You had somebody else
Because these feelings I keep
to myself
I may never get to hold you so
I may never get to kiss you
I may never get to look deep
in your eyes
Or so it seems
I always will be wishing you
were mine
I think about what could be all
the time
All the happiness that I could find
But oh, a girl can dream
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last updated 04.19.02