The Unofficial A.O.S Page

Welcome to the Unofficial Women of Aerobics Oz Style fan page. This page was only possible due to the contributions of other scanning and capping artists.
NEWS: 06/09/2001 I have decided to abandon this page. It will remain up but will not be updated. I haven't the time to update and the lack of material to update the page with. I have added 3 new Jodie captures.

Effie Michaels

Jaynie Lee Seal

Jodie Low

Michelle Dean

Michelle Nicholas

Wendy Carroll

All images used on this site are the work of other artists who's permission has been granted and full credit given. No files have been renamed or edited in any form. If you want to use any of these images please ask the respective artists. 'Aerobics Oz Style' is on Channel 10 at 6am Monday to Friday. I am in no way affiliated with the show, I am just a fan who has created a page for other people to enjoy.

Hits since 24/10/99.
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This page was created by Frink on the 18/10/99.