The Best of Chess on the Web.

 International Correspondence Chess Federation(ICCF)

       The web site of the governing body of correspondence chess. Look here for latest tournament results, cross tables and news. A fairly recent development is the On Line Game Archive, where selected games from ICCF tournaments are available for download.

ICCF Congress Web Sites:
 ICCF Congress, Mumbai 2004
 ICCF Congress Web Page
 ICCF Congress Web Page

 International Email Chess Group(IECG)

       Allows you to play by email for free. An excellent newsletter is published regularly.

  The Chess Cafe

         High quality articles on all aspects of chess from writers like Tim Harding, Edward Winter, Geurt Gijssen etc. The accent, though,  is on chess culture and history. There is a moderated Bulletin Board too.

 The Week in Chess

         The latest games and news, courtesy Mark Crowther. This site has become an institution. You will also find book reviews by John Watson, who is now back after being felled by a stroke.


          The on-line edition of Tim Harding's premier CC magazine. Check this site out frequently, it features some great content from time to time. Free games to download and a well-categorised links collection.

  The Correspondence Chess Place

         The place for correspondence players. There is a lively unmoderated Bulletin Board. You will find links to the sites of John Knudsen, Franklin Campbell and Ralph Marconi here. Marconi's site features annotated games by Sanakoev, apart form other goodies. John's site has a good collection of CC zipped games of players like Umansky. The Campbell Report, released monthly, makes for interesting reading. You can follow several correspondence matches "live" here. Mark Morss, Senior USCF Master, has a regular monthly column which is always interesting and well-written. The column has covered mostly 1. e4 e5 openings.

 The Chessplayer

      Canadian IM Orlov's site. This site contains news, tournament reports and a nice set of educational material.

 The Home of the USCF

      Star attraction: Alex Dunne's "The Check Is In The Mail" column. Also, games annotated by American GM's.

 About Chess

      The chess section of the enormously popular site. The chess guide is David Dunbar. Tips on great chess links from Davis, on line chats with famous chess personalities like Alex Baburin, Michael Greengard, Jeremy Silman etc. The transcripts of the chats can be downloaded. A forum is available. Another interesting feature is a regular best game competition, with the best game chosen from entries submitted by About Chess members. A marvellous collection of neatly categorised links.

 Home page of GM Alex Baburin

      Great content. You can subscribe to his superb "Coffee Break Chess" Newsletter here.


      Chessbase is synonymous with Fritz, and of course, their great database package, Chessbase. You can download CBLight here for free. CBLight has all the features of the full-blown Chessbase, except that it will work with a maximum of 8000 games. This site also has some good articles from time to time.

 Turk Chess Education and Improvement Foundation

      The web site of the Turk Chess Education and Improvement Foundation.


      The place to find a little bit of everything related to the wonderful and fascinating world of chess.

 Chess Trainer

      Dhanesh Shrikhande's web site about chess training in India.