Click on the links to skip ahead to a particular letter:

A ... B ... C ... D ... E ... F ... G ... H ... I ... J ... K ... L ... M ... N ... O ... P ... Q ... R ... S ... T ... U ... V ... W ... X ... Y ... Z

Kayako Abe JPN
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 East Asian Games

Elena Abrashitova URS
1989 US Olympic Gold
1989 US vs USSR

Lena Adomat
1983 European Championships

Carmilla Ionela Adoronic ROM
1995 Euro Youth

Lavinia Agache ROM
1983 European Championships
1991 World Pro Championships

Gabriela Agachi ROM
1991 US vs Romania

Svetlana Agapova URS
1978 Champions All

Ainoha Aguado MON

1997 Golden Challenge Dual

Kim Allan CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Monique Allen AUS
1989 World Championships
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 World Championships
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Elmira Almieva RUS
1996 Canberra Cup

Simona Amanar ROM

1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 Romanian International
1995 European Cup
1995 French International
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 French International
1996 Milk Gym Gala
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Championships
1997 Chunichi Cup
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1997 World Championships
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Milk Gym Gala
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 Swiss Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 French International
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Netherlands-Romania
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships
2000 Netherlands-Romania

Hillary Anderson USA
1991 Pan American Games

Jessica Andreasson SWE
1994 World Championships

Jeanette Antolin USA
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Swiss Cup
1999 American Classic
1999 International 3-on-3
1999 Pan American Games
1999 US World Team Trials
1999 World Championships

Lambrini Apostolidou GRE
1994 World Championships
1995 World Championships

Y. Arai JPN
1994 Asian Games

Kristina Arkovics HUN
1986 DTB Cup

Kim Arnold USA
1993 US Championships

Tatiana Arzshanikova URS
1980 Daily Mirror USSR Display

Vanessa Atler USA
1995 Junior International
1995 US Olympic Festival
1997 American Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 US Championships
1997 US vs Australia
1998 American Cup
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 US Championships
1999 American Classic
1999 American Cup
1999 French International
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1999 US Championships
1999 World Championships
1999 US World Team Trials*

Svetlana Avdeeva URS
1991 Sportsfair

Augustina Badea ROM

1987 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial

Eun Mi Bae KOR
1988 Olympic Games

Melinda Baimbridge USA
1995 US Olympic Festival

Svetlana Baitova URS
1987 European Championships
1987 World Championships
1988 American Cup
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1989 US Olympic Gold
1989 US vs USSR

Svetlana Bakhridinova UZB
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Asian Games
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Swiss Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Svetlana Bakhtina RUS
1995 Euro Youth
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 Women’s Pro Championships

Bernadette Balazs HUN
1991 DTB Cup

Ildiko Balog HUN
1992 Olympic Games
1995 World Championships

Sarah Balogach USA
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1994 US Olympic Festival

A. Balz SUI
1998 Swiss Cup

Juliet Bangerter USA

1987 US Olympic Festival
1989 US Championships
1989 US Olympic Gold
1989 US World Team Trials
1991 Pan American Games
1992 US Olympic Trials

Irina Baraksanova URS
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1985 World Championships
1986 American Cup
1986 International Mixed Pairs
1986 US vs USSR

Krisztina Bartalfi HUN
1985 International Mixed Pairs

Daniela Bartova TCH
1992 Olympic Games

Anne-Marie Bauduin FRA
1987 Kraft Invitational

Angela Beam USA

1999 American Classic

Julie Beaulieu CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1999 Pan American Games

Kendall Beck USA
1997 US Championships
1998 International Team Championships

Alyssa Beckerman USA
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1999 American Classic
1999 International Team Championships
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials

Elvire Becks HOL
1990 Dutch Open
1991 DTB Cup
1991 Dutch Open
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Adrienne Begg CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Laetitia Begue FRA
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 French International
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 US vs France

Georgina Benitez CUB
1991 Pan American Games

Jenni Beathard USA
1994 US Championships

Mohini Bhardwaj USA
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 International Mixed Pairs
1997 US Championships

Ana Maria Bican ROM
1993 Swiss Cup
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 US vs Romania
1995 American Cup
1995 International Mixed Pairs

Pam Bileck USA
1983 Emerald Cup
1984 US Championships
1984 US vs China

Olga Bicherova URS
1981 World Championships
1983 European Championships
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1988 Champions All
1994 French Championships*
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics

Yang Bo CHN
1989 World Championships
1990 World Cup
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Loredana Bobac ROM
1999 World Championships

Natalia Bobcova RUS
1993 World Championships

Svetlana Boginskaya URS/BLR
1985 Junior International
1987 US vs USSR
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1987 World Championships
1988 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US vs USSR
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 Chunichi Cup
1990 DTB Cup
1990 European Championships
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 Tokyo Cup
1990 US vs USSR*
1990 World Cup
1991 Chunichi Cup
1991 Tokyo Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Arthur Gander Memorial
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1992 Tour of Olympic and World Champions
1992 World Championships
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1995 Visa Challenge
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 Golden Challenge Dual
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Milk Gym Gala
1998 World Pro Championships

Erika Boncsina ROM
1997 International Team Challenge

Christina Bontas ROM
1987 Junior International
1988 Champions All
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 DTB Cup
1990 European Championships
1991 Chunichi Cup
1991 DTB Cup
1991 Dutch Open
1991 Tokyo Cup
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 Chunichi Cup
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Alethea Boon NZL
1997 Canberra Cup

Amanda Borden USA
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials
1993 Hilton Challenge
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 Tokyo Cup
1993 US Championships
1993 US Olympic Festival
1994 Hilton Challenge
1994 International Mixed Pairs
1994 US Championships
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 American Cup
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1996 US vs France
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 World Pro Championships
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup

Karine Boucher FRA
1988 Olympic Games
1992 Olympic Games

Irina Boulahkova UKR
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 International Mixed Pairs
1995 World Championships

Ashley Bradley USA
1999 American Classic

Jackie Brady GBR
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 Nikon International
1994 Commonwealth Games

Brannekaemper FRG
1981 World Championships

Martina Bremini ITA
1998 European Championships
1999 Italy vs. Spain

Heather Brink USA
1995 US Olympic Festival

Alexis Brion USA
1995 US Olympic Festival
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Wendy Bruce USA
1989 US Challenge
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials
1989 US vs USSR
1989 World Championships
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US vs East Germany
1992 Dodge Challenge
1992 Olympic Games
1992 Tour of Olympic and World Champions
1992 US Olympic Trials
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular

Lindsay Bruck USA
1999 American Classic

Lisa Bruggermann GER
1997 Cottbus Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Theresa Buckton CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Sara Cain USA
1994 US Olympic Festival
1994 US vs Romania

Sonya Cairns NIR
1994 Commonwealth Games

Tracy Calore USA
1985 US Championships
1986 American Cup
1986 US Championships

Michelle Campi USA
1991 World Championships
1992 US Championships
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 US Championships

Cecile Canqueteau FRA
1994 French Championships
1994 World Championships
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 French International
1995 International Mixed Pairs
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 French International
1997 Massilia Trophy

Aurelie Capt SUI
1996 Swiss Cup

Stephanie Carter USA
1999 American Classic

Lidia Castilejos ESP
1985 European Championships

Veronica Castro ESP
1994 Goodwill Games
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Daniella Cepeda MEX
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Mira Cerna TCH
1979 European Championships

Junia Cerqueira BRA
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Melissa Chan USA
1999 American Classic

Monique Chang USA
1999 American Classic

Jennifer Charlesbois CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Elite Canada

Carine Charlier FRA
1992 Olympic Games

Susan Cheesebrough USA
1983 American Pro Classic

Cuiting Chen CHN
1988 Olympic Games
1989 World Championships
1990 International Mixed Pairs

Wenyan Chen CHN
1981 World Championships

Elena Chevtchenko URS
1988 Olympic Games

Elsa Lydia Chivas CUB
1986 DTB Cup

G. Choi PRK
1989 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Amy Chow USA
1994 US Championships
1994 US Olympic Festival
1994 US vs Romania
1995 US World Team Trials
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 International 3-on-3
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1999 US World Team Trials
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Olga Chudina URS
1987 Kraft Invitational

You Chunjong CHN
1993 Australian Championships

Bai Chunyue CHN
1999 International Team Championships
1999 World Championships

Oksana Chusovitina URS/UZB
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 US vs USSR
1991 Tokyo Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 World Championships
1994 Asian Games
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Reese’s Cup
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 French International
1995 DTB Cup
1995 Swiss Cup
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Swiss Cup
1997 American Cup
1997 Meese Cup
1998 Asian Games
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Swiss Cup

Melinda Cleland AUS
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Canberra Cup
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 American Cup
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials
1999 Canberra Cup
1999 International Team Championships

Andrea Cocavean ROM
1993 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 French International
1995 World Championships

Tracy Cole USA
1990 US Olympic Festival

M. Colson FRA
1992 Olympic Games

Nadia Comaneci ROM
1976 Olympic Games
1978 World Championships
1979 European Championships
1980 Olympic Games
1990 Goodwill Games*
1990 Magic and Mystery of Nadia
1992 McDonalds Spectacular
1992 US Championships*
1994 Skating and Gymnastics Spectacular
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1996 Olympic Games*

Marianna Concalves BRA
1997 Massilia Trophy

Michelle Conway CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Pan American Games

Marilou Cousineau CAN
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos
1993 Nikon International
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Jennie Cox GBR
1995 Euro Youth

Elizabeth Crandall USA
1989 US Challenge
1990 Chunichi Cup
1990 US vs East Germany
1990 US Olympic Festival
1991 US Championships

Claire Cribbs AUS
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos

Adrianna Crisci ITA
1995 Swiss Cup
1996 European Championships
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 European Championships
1999 French International
1999 Italy vs. Spain

Alexandria Croak GBR
1999 Canberra Cup

Cuiting Zhu CHN
1996 French International

G. Cuff GBR
1996 European Championships

Tracey Curtis USA
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Laura Cutina ROM
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships

Pauline Czarnecki AUS
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Australian Championships

Jamie Dantzscher USA
1995 Junior International
1995 US Olympic Festival
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 US Championships
1997 US vs Australia
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1999 American Classic
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Pan American Games
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials

Janka Daubner DDR
1990 Dutch Open

Kellee Davis USA
1993 US Championships
1994 US Olympic Festival
1995 Visa Challenge

Yelena Davydova URS
1980 Olympic Games
1981 World Championships

Dominique Dawes USA
1991 American Cup
1991 Dutch Open
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 US Championships
1992 Dodge Challenge
1992 McDonalds Spectacular
1992 Olympic Games
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials
1993 Hilton Challenge
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 US Championships
1993 World Championships
1994 American Cup
1994 Chunichi Cup
1994 Hilton Challenge
1994 International Mixed Pairs
1994 Reeses Gymnastics Cup
1994 US Championships
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1995 US Championships
1995 Visa Challenge
1995 US World Team Trials
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1996 World Championships
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships

Michela Dawson NZL
1991 Seiko Grand Prix

Desiree Day CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Caroline Debras BEL
1994 Milk Gym Gala

Sarah Deegan CAN
1998 Sagit Cup

Borjana Demireva BUL
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships

Angie Denkins USA
1986 US Championships

Deserres CAN
1981 World Championships

Nicoletta Dessena SUI
1986 DTB Cup

Fan Di CHN
1987 World Championships
1988 Champions All
1989 World Championships

Eileen Diaz USA/PUR
1993 US Olympic Festival
1995 American Cup
1996 Olympic Games

Djonson USA
1981 World Championships

Dana Dobransky USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Aurelia Dobre ROM
1985 Junior International
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games
1991 World Pro Championships

Alexandra Dobrescu ROM
1997 International Team Challenge

Carly Dockendorff CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Mylan Dodd USA
1999 US World Team Trials

Elena Dolgopolova RUS
1995 American Cup
1996 Olympic Games
1997 International 3-on-3
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Pusan Inernational

Eva Dollinger GER
1998 DTB Cup

C. Dombeck GDR
1976 Olympic Games

Erinn Dooley USA
1999 American Classic
1999 International Team Championships
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials

Daiane Dos Santos BRA
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Pan American Games

Jacey Draper USA
1999 American Classic

Alena Drevjana TCH
1988 Olympic Games

Katja Dreyer GER
1998 DTB Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Sarah Drovandi AUS
1997 Canberra Cup
1999 Australian Championships

Anastasia Dsunsjak UZK
1995 Swiss Cup

Diana Dudeva BUL
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 Kraft Invitational
1988 Champions All
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1991 World Pro Championships

Olessia Dudnik URS
1989 American Cup
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships

Anna Dudova URS
1987 European Championships

Dunca ROM
1981 World Championships

Sheryl Dundas USA
1987 US Olympic Festival
1989 US Challenge
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials

Jacqui Dunn AUS
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Aus World Championships Trials

Dianne Durham
1984 US Championships
1984 US vs China
1990 Magic and Mystery of Nadia
1994 Skating and Gymnastics Spectacular

Michelle Dusserre USA
1984 US Championships
1984 US vs China
1987 US Championships

A. Dzyundzyak UZB
1994 Asian Games

Annabeth Eberle USA
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials

Emilia Eberle ROM
1979 European Championships
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Hayley Edgell AUS
1993 Australian Championships

Carola Eenkhoorn
1983 European Championships

Jurgen van Eetvch BEL
1994 Milk Gym Gala

M. Egervani HUN
1976 Olympic Games
1981 World Championships

Loudmila Eghova RUS
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Cottbus Cup

Lisa Elliot GBR
1986 Kraft Invitational
1987 European Championships

Michelle Emmons USA
1999 American Classic

Shelley Engel USA
1991 US Championships
1991 US Olympic Festival

G. Escher GDR
1976 Olympic Games

Jenny Ester USA
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials

Minako Etoh JPN
1993 Swiss Cup

Katherine Everett GBR
1991 Seiko Grand Prix

Benedicte Evrard BEL
1991 European Cup
1992 Olympic Games
1993 World Championships

Irina Evdokimova KAZ
1993 World Championships
1994 Asian Games
1994 Goodwill Games
1995 World Championships
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 East Asian Games
1998 Asian Games
1998 American Cup
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix

Jennifer Exaltacion CAN
1996 Olympic Games

Oksana Fabrichnova URS
1991 Junior International
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 Tokyo Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Rhonda Faehn USA
1987 US Championships
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials

Gabriele Fahnrich GDR
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Dong Fangxiao CHN
1997 Canberra Cup
1999 World Championships

Dagmar Fehrenschild GER
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Meng Fei CHN
1995 Visa Challenge
1995 World Championships
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 East Asian Games
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 World Championships
1998 Asian Games
1998 American Cup
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Milk Gym Gala

Luo Feng CHN
1986 DTB Cup
1987 World Championships
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial

Yu Feng CHN
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 World Championships
1988 International Mixed Pairs

Megan Fenton USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Whitney Ferguson USA
1999 American Classic

Alicia Fernandez ESP
1989 World Championships
1990 European Championships
1990 Goodwill Games
1992 Olympic Games

Chiara Ferrazzi ITA
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Denise Fierro USA
1991 US Olympic Festival

Filatova URS
1981 World Championships

Lacramioara Filip ROM
1991 US vs Romania

Marie Fjordholm USA
1999 American Classic
1999 US Championships

Flander HUN
1981 World Championships

Mylene Fleary CAN
1992 Olympic Games

Larissa Fontaine USA
1990 US Olympic Festival
1993 Nikon International
1993 US Championships
1993 US Olympic Festival
1994 American Cup
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Emilie Fournier CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1999 Pan American Games

Tricia Fortson USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Christina Fraguas ESP
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Sonia Fraguas ESP
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos

Audra Fraim USA
1999 American Classic

Sue Ellen Freitas BRA
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Katerina Frketic AUS
1996 Australia Cup
1996 Canberra Cup
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Canberra Cup
1998 Commonwealth Games
1999 Australian Championships
1999 International Team Championships

Natalia Frolova URS
1986 Kraft Invitational
1986 US vs USSR
1987 US vs USSR
1988 US vs USSR

Kara Fry USA
1994 US Olympic Festival

Kumi Fujiwara JPN
1998 Australia vs Japan
1999 Canberra Cup

Ludivine Furnon FRA
1994 French Championships
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 French International
1996 US vs France
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 European Masters
1997 Golden Challenge Dual
1997 Swiss Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 French International
1999 World Championships
2000 France-Russia

Roza Galieva URS/UZB/RUS
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 Birmingham Classic
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 French International
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1996 Zaragoza’s Gymnastics Gala

Stacey Galloway CAN
1994 Commonwealth Games

Susana Garcia ESP
1999 Australia vs Spain

Kelly Garrison USA
1985 DTB Cup
1985 US Championships
1986 DTB Cup
1987 US Championships
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 US Olympic Gold
1989 US Olympic Festival*
1994 Skating and Gymnastics Spectacular

Eunice Garza MEX
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Laure Gely FRA
1994 Massilia Trophy

Veselina Gentcheva BUL
1997 European Masters

Erinn Gettle USA
1999 American Classic

Gabriella Gheorghe ROM
1987 Kraft Invitational

Angela Ghimpu ROM
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 US vs Romania

Svetlana Ghosdova URS
1978 Daily Mirror USSR Display

Tracey Gibbs AUS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1992 Australian Championships

Clare Gilles CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Crystal Gilmore CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games

Anna Gingrich USA
1999 American Classic

Andrea Giordano ARG
1992 Olympic Games

Frannie Girard CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Jennifer Glista CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Maxi Gnauck GDR
1979 European Championships
1980 Olympic Games
1985 European Championships

Tatjana Godenko URS
1986 DTB Cup

Gina Gogean ROM
1989 Junior International
1990 Goodwill Games
1992 Arthur Gander Memorial
1992 Champions All
1992 European Championships
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games
1993 Chunichi Cup
1993 Tokyo Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 Chunichi Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 Milk Gym Gala
1994 Romanian International
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Chunichi Cup
1995 DTB Cup
1995 European Cup
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1995 World Championships
1996 Chunichi Cup
1996 European Championships
1996 French International
1996 Meese Cup
1996 Milk Gym Gala
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Championships
1996 Zaragoza’s Gymnastics Gala
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 Chunichi Cup
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 Golden Challenge Dual
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 World Championships
1998 French International
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)

Eugenia Golea ROM
1987 DTB Cup
1987 European Championships
1987 World Championships

Irina Golub URS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1993 Nikon International

Leganet Gonzalez CUB
1991 Pan American Games

Alena Gordeeva UZB
1998 Asian Games

Mandy Gornall GBR
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Natasha Gouda CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Elena Gourova URS
1986 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1987 World Championships
1988 Daily Mirror USSR Display

Zoja Grantcharova BUL
1981 World Championships
1983 European Championships

Lisa Grayson GBR
1987 Kraft Invitational
1988 Champions All

Elena Grosheva RUS
1993 Nikon International
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Swiss Cup
1996 Zaragoza’s Gymnastics Gala
1997 European Masters

Martha Grubbs USA
1994 US Olympic Festival

Elena Grudneva URS/RUS
1991 European Cup
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 Birmingham Classic

Grioras ROM
1981 World Championships

Hillary Grivich USA
1989 US Olympic Festival
1990 Goodwill Games*
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US vs USSR
1991 US Netherlands Display
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials

Tatiana Groshkova URS
1990 US vs USSR

Pascale Grossenbacher SUI
1992 Arthur Gander Memorial
1995 Swiss Cup
1996 Swiss Cup

Vesselina Guencheva BUL
1997 Meese Cup

Jana Guenther GDR/GER
1990 Goodwill Games
1991 DTB Cup
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Ming Guixiu CHN
1984 US vs China

Stacey Gunthorpe USA
1985 US Championships
1986 US vs USSR
1987 US Championships
1988 US Championships

Jia Guo CHN
1990 Chunichi Cup

Tatiana Gutsu URS/UKR
1990 US vs USSR
1991 DTB Cup
1991 European Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Arthur Gander Memorial
1992 European Championships
1992 Messe Cup
1992 Olympic Games
1992 Tour of Olympic and World Champions
1993 Suburu World Open
1994 Reeses Gymnastics Cup
1996 Olympic Games*
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics

Brooke Gysen AUS
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Vanda Hadarean ROM
1991 World Championships
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 Swiss Cup

Ji Hae-Sung KOR
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos

Kelly Hackman ENG/GBR
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix

Kim Hamilton USA
1985 US Championships

Beth Hansen USA
1986 US Championships

Jennifer Hapberg USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Katie Hardman USA
1999 American Classic

Karen Hargate GBR
1986 Kraft Invitational
1988 Champions All

Karin Hargatt GDR
1987 European Championships

Simone Harperath GDR
1986 American Cup

Kinga Harvath
1993 Swiss Cup

Alyssa Harvey AUS
1996 Canberra Cup

Miho Hashiguchi JPN
1995 World Championships
1997 East Asian Games
1998 Asian Games

Nadia Hategan ROM
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 Nikon International
1994 Birmingham Open
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics

Yvonne Haug FRG
1981 World Championships
1983 European Championships

Christy Heinrich USA
1987 DTB Cup
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials
1989 World Championships
1990 US Championships

A. Hellmann GDR
1976 Olympic Games

Indira Hernandez CUB
1991 Pan American Games

Astrid Hesse GDR
1983 European Championships
1985 DTB Cup
1986 DTB Cup
1989 World Championships

Jaime Hill CAN
1994 Commonwealth Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Hinato JPN
1981 World Championships

Silvia Hindorff GDR
1978 Champions All

Michelle Hoffstra CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Breanne Holmes CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Leah Homma CAN
1989 World Championships

Xia Hong CHN
1998 International Team Championships

Natalia Hordny UKR
1999 World Championships

Heidi Hornbeek USA
1991 Sportsfair
1992 Dodge Challenge

Sophie Horne GBR
1999 Canberra Cup

Kinga Horvath HUN
1992 Olympic Games

Naho Hoshiyama JPN
1995 World Championships

S. Hristakieva BUL
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Maya Hristova BUL
1990 European Championships
1991 European Cup
1992 American Cup

1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Joanna Hughes AUS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1993 Australian Championships
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos
1993 Nikon International
1994 Commonwealth Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1996 Olympic Games

Mo Huilan CHN
1994 Asian Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Chunichi Cup
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 East Asian Games
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 World Championships

Wang Huiying CHN
1986 DTB Cup
1988 Olympic Games

Andrea Hullova TCH
1988 Champions All

Bo-Sil Hwang PRK
1992 Olympic Games

Danielle Hypolito BRA
1997 Massilia Trophy
1999 Canberra Cup
1999 Pan American Games

Tatiana Ignatova RUS
92 Champions All
1992 European Championships

Natalia Ilyenko URS
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics
1981 World Championships

Andreea Isarescu ROM
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 World Championships
2000 Netherlands-Romania

Kaori Iwaya JPN
1995 World Championships
1997 East Asian Games

Rebecca Jackson AUS
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1993 Australian Championships

Samira Jaeger GER
1997 Cottbus Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

M. Jantekova TCH
1991 European Cup

Martina Jentsch GDR
1987 DTB Cup
1987 European Championships
1987 World Championships

1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Ling Jie CHN
1998 Asian Games
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International Team Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships

Xu Jing CHN
1998 Asian Games

Zhou Jingjing CHN
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Park Ji-Yeung KOR
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos
1994 Asian Games

Beth Johnson USA
1983 American Pro Classic

Brandy Johnson USA
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 American Cup
1989 Cottbus Cup
1989 US Championships
1989 US vs USSR
1989 World Championships
1990 US Championships
1990 US Olympic Festival
1990 World Cup
1991 American Cup*
1991 World Pro Championships
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*

Kathy Johnson USA
1978 World Championships
1984 US Championships
1984 US vs China

Joana Juarez ESP
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 French International
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Gail Kachura USA
1995 US Olympic Festival

Natalia Kalinina URS
1989 US vs USSR
1990 American Cup
1990 European Championships
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US vs USSR
1991 World Championships
1994 World Championships

H. Kanada JPN
1991 Sportsfair

Yayoi Kano JPN
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics
1981 World Championships

Virginia Karentzou GRE
1994 World Championships

Viktoria Karpenko UKR
1994 Milk Gym Gala
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1997 Chunichi Cup
1997 European Masters
1998 American Cup
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 European Championships
1998 International 3-on-3 Championships
1999 American Cup
1999 French International
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 International 3-on-3
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships

Maria Kartalova BUL
1986 DTB Cup
1988 Olympic Games

Nina Kartseva RUS
1998 Australia Cup

Mari Kasuge JPN
1989 American Cup
1990 American Cup
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1991 Sportsfair
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 American Cup
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 International Mixed Pairs
1995 World Championships

Akiko Kawai JPN
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Australia vs Japan
1998 World Cup (Sabae)

Pepa Kazokova BUL
1985 World Championships

Ashley Kelley USA
1999 American Classic

Danielle Kelly AUS
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Canberra Cup

Kim Kelly USA
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials
1990 US Championships
1990 US vs East Germany
1991 US Championships
1992 Olympic Games*
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials

Karen Kennedy GBR
1987 Kraft Invitational

Bea Kereidin HUN
1996 Canberra Cup

Kathleen Kern GER
1996 Swiss Cup
1997 Meese Cup

Dagmar Kersten GDR
1985 DTB Cup
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1987 DTB Cup
1988 Olympic Games

Romi Kessler SUI
1983 European Championships

Katrin Kewitz GER
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Swiss Cup

Yuan Kexia CHN
1994 Asian Games
1994 Hilton Challenge

Cathy Keyser AUS
1992 Australian Championships
1993 Australian Championships
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Svetlana Khorkina RUS
1994 Birmingham Open
1994 Chunichi Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 European Cup
1995 French International
1995 World Championships
1996 Chunichi Cup
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Championships
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 Chunichi Cup
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 De’fi D’or
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 Swiss Cup
1997 World Championships
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Milk Gym Gala
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 Swiss Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 French International
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships
2000 France-Russia
2000 France-Russia Display

Nicole Kilpatrick USA
1997 Massilia Trophy
1999 American Classic

M. Kim PRK
1989 World Championships

Mina Kim USA
1995 International Mixed Pairs

Nellie Kim URS
1976 Olympic Games
1978 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1978 World Championships
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics
1980 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1980 Olympic Games

Olga Kim KAZ
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Claudine Kinard CAN
1997 Massilia Trophy

Pavla Kinclova TCH
1992 Olympic Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Breanne King CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Klaudia Kinska SVK
1994 World Championships

Kirchmayer ITA
1989 World Championships

M. Kische GDR
1976 Olympic Games

Ayako Kitamura JPN
1998 Asian Games

Cindy Klemrath GER
1995 Swiss Cup

Ulrike Klotz GDR
1985 World Championships
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Rachel Kmetco AUS
1999 Australian Championships

Sunja Knapp USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Oksana Knizhnik UKR
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 Massilia Trophy
1996 Meese Cup
1996 Olympic Games

Dina Kochetkova URS/RUS
1991 Junior International
1994 Chunichi Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 DTB Cup
1995 European Cup
1995 French International
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 French International
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Pro Team Championships

Syrta Koepfli
1983 European Championships

Tanja Koeste GDR
1989 World Championships

Olga Kojevnikova KAZ
1997 East Asian Games

Anastasia Kolesnikova RUS
1998 Junior European Championships

Vera Kolesnikova URS
1985 World Championships
1986 US vs USSR

Jana Komrskova CZE
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 Cottbus Cup

Olga Korbut URS
1972 Olympic Games
1974 World Championships
1976 Olympic Games
1990 Goodwill Games*
1996 Olympic Games*

Yuliya Korosteliova RUS
1998 Australia Cup

Elena Kouznetsova RUS
1995 Euro Youth
1997 Massilia Trophy
2000 France-Russia

Anna Kovaleva RUS
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 American Cup
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International 3-on-3 Championships
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships

Olga Kozevnikova KAZ
1995 Swiss Cup
1996 Swiss Cup

Alexandria Koulbitskaya RUS
1994 Massilia Trophy

K. Kovacs HUN
1989 World Championships

Svetlana Kozlova URS
1992 American Cup
1992 International Mixed Pairs

Kraeker GDR
1981 World Championships

Nikoletti Kravitz HUN
1996 Olympic Games

Rufina Kreibich GER
1995 DTB Cup
1995 Swiss Cup

Ivona Krmelova TCH
1988 Olympic Games

Chelsea Kroll USA
1999 American Classic

Marti Kucharkova SVK
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Theresa Kulikowski USA
1997 International Team Challenge

Virginie Kurentzou GRE
1994 Massilia Trophy

Maria Kurtalova BUL
1988 Olympic Games

Eugenia Kuznecsova RUS
1994 Goodwill Games
1995 World Championships
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 European Championships
1998 Goodwill Games
1999 French International

Yulia Kutj URS
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1990 Dutch Open

Tiffany Kwan CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Jana Labakova TCH
1983 European Championships

Ekaterina Labuznyuk RUS
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships

Isabella Lacatas ROM
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1990 Tokyo Cup

Andrea Ladanyi HUN
1985 DTB Cup
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 American Cup
1988 Olympic Games

Marine Laganiere CAN
1994 Massilia Trophy

Elisa Lamperti ITA
1995 World Championships

Alexandra Lang FRG
1985 DTB Cup
1986 DTB Cup

San Lang CHN
1998 Goodwill Games*
1998 International Team Championships

Benedicte Lasserre SUI
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial

Galina Lazarova BUL
1994 World Championships

Natalia Laschenova URS
1987 Kraft Invitational
1987 US vs USSR
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1988 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US vs USSR
1989 World Championships
1990 DTB Cup
1990 US vs USSR
1991 Sportsfair

Sonia Lawrence WAL/GBR
1994 Commonwealth Games
1995 Euro Youth
1996 European Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Lazarova BUL
1985 DTB Cup

Tam Le AUS
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Aus World Championships Trials

Yelena Lebedeva RUS
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)

Annie LeClerque CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Veronica LeClerque CAN
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Sagit Cup

Melanie Legros FRA
1992 European Championships

Wu Lei CHN
1990 DTB Cup

Lise Leveille CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Pan American Games

Chun-Mi Li PRK
1992 Olympic Games

1990 Goodwill Games
1991 Sportsfair
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 East Asian Games
1993 World Championships

1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 East Asian Games
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Zhang Li CHN
1994 Goodwill Games

Oxana Liapina RUS
1995 Euro Youth
1996 Australia Cup

Svetlana Liapina RUS
1995 French International
1996 Olympic Games

Ulrika Lindholm SWE
1985 European Championships

Ye Linlin CHN
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1994 Asian Games
1994 Hilton Challenge
1994 Massilia Trophy

Tatiana Lisenko URS/UKR
1989 Junior International
1990 Chunichi Cup
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 Tokyo Cup
1990 World Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Arthur Gander Memorial
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 Hilton Challenge
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Danna Lister USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Ji Liya CHN
1996 Olympic Games
1997 American Cup
1997 East Asian Games
1997 International 3-on-3
1998 International Team Championships

Shi Liying CHN
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 World Championships

Ionela Loaies ROM
1994 Goodwill Games
1996 Olympic Games

Ekaterina Lobazniuk RUS
1997 Cottbus Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Denisse Lopez MEX
1992 Olympic Games
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 World Championships

Isabella Lospichi FRG
1986 DTB Cup

Lisa Lowing CAN
1989 World Championships

Natalie Lucit WAL
1998 Commonwealth Games

Partizia Luconi ITA
1986 American Cup

Zita Lusack GBR
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 Commonwealth Games
1996 European Championships

Elodie Lussac FRA
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1994 American Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Yanghong Ma CHN
1981 World Championships
1984 US vs China

Shanyn Maceachern CAN
1996 Olympic Games

Virginie Machado FRA
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Brenda Magana MEX
1996 Swiss Cup
1998 Copa Gymnastica

Tanya Maiers USA
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular

Chloe Maigre FRA
1992 Olympic Games

Tatiana Malayan UKR
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Massilia Trophy

Kristen Maloney USA
1997 American Cup
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 US Championships
1997 US vs Australia
1998 American Cup
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 US Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 US Championships
1999 World Championships

Huang Mandan CHN
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1999 French International
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships

Shari Mann USA
1983 Emerald Cup

Yanlin Mao CHN
1995 French International
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships

Sabrina Mar USA
1985 US Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 American Cup
1986 US vs USSR
1987 Pan American Games
1987 US Championships
1987 World Championships
1988 US vs USSR

Danida Maranduca ROM
1994 Massilia Trophy

Alexandria Marinescu ROM
1994 Romanian International
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 DTB Cup
1995 World Championships
1996 Australia Cup
1996 European Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Swiss Cup
1997 American Cup

Galja Marinova BUL
1981 World Championships
1983 European Championships

Melissa Marlowe USA
1986 US Championships
1986 US vs USSR
1987 Pan American Games
1987 US Championships
1987 US vs USSR
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Olympic Trials
1988 US vs USSR

Renata Marquis-Nicholson NZL
1996 Canberra Cup

Monica Martin ESP
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 American Cup
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Laura Martinez ESP
1998 Australia Cup
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Italy vs. Spain
1999 World Championships
2000 American Cup
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Silvia Martinez ESP
1991 European Cup
1992 Olympic Games

Tanya Maslarska BUL
1992 Olympic Games

Lisa Mason ENG/GBR
1996 Canberra Cup
1998 British Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Great Britain vs. Spain
1999 British Championships
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix

Yolande Mavity USA
1985 US Championships
1986 US Championships

Milena Mavrodieva BUL
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 International Mixed Pairs

Brenda Mayana MEX
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships

Katie McAvoy CAN
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Meghan McCurty CAN
1991 Seiko Grand Prix

Kristin McDermott USA
1991 Pan American Games
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1992 Dodge Challenge
1992 US Olympic Trials

Christina McDonald CAN
1985 International Mixed Pairs

Katie McFarland USA
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Trudy McIntosh AUS
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1997 US vs Australia
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Australia vs Japan
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials
1999 International Team Championships
1999 World Championships

Laura McLaren CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Zeena McLaughlin AUS
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Australia vs Japan
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Swiss Cup
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials
1999 International Team Championships

Julianne McNamara USA
1981 American Cup
1981 World Championships
1984 US Championships

Soni Meduna USA
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1994 Goodwill Games

Rao Meizhen CHN
1998 International Team Championships

Vanessa Meloche CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Ola Menin ISR
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Sarah Mercer GBR
1989 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Jennifer Mercier USA
1991 US Olympic Festival

Karine Mermet FRA
1989 World Championships
1990 International Mixed Pairs

Suzanne Metz USA
1991 US Olympic Festival

Chen Mi CHN
1997 International Team Challenge
1998 International Team Championships

Li Chun Mi PRK
1991 World Championships

Carole Michele FRA
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial

Shannon Miller USA
1989 Junior International
1989 US Olympic Festival
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US Championships
1990 US vs East Germany
1991 DTB Cup
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 US Championships
1991 US Netherlands Display
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 American Cup
1992 International Mixed Pairs
1992 McDonalds Spectacular
1992 Olympic Games
1992 Tour of Olympic and World Champions
1992 US Championships*
1992 US Olympic Trials
1993 American Cup
1993 Hilton Challenge
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1993 US Championships
1993 US Olympic Festival
1993 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Reeses Gymnastics Cup
1994 US Championships
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 American Cup*
1995 International Mixed Pairs*
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1995 US Championships
1995 World Championships
1995 US World Team Trials
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 International 3-on-3
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships

Phoebe Mills USA
1986 US Championships
1987 American Cup
1987 International Mixed Pairs
1987 US vs USSR
1988 American Cup
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 American Cup
1989 US Championships*
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1994 American Cup*

Lavinia Milosivici ROM
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1991 DTB Cup
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 Tokyo Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Chunichi Cup
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Messe Cup
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 Birmingham Classic
1993 Chunichi Cup
1993 Tokyo Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 Birmingham Open
1994 Chunichi Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 Milk Gym Gala
1994 Romanian International
1994 US vs Romania
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Chunichi Cup
1995 DTB Cup
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 Meese Cup
1996 Milk Gym Gala
1996 Olympic Games

A-Young Min KOR
1992 Olympic Games

Tan Minhua CHN
1993 Nikon International

Anna Mirgorodskaia UKR
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Susanna Misko HUN
1988 Olympic Games

Silvia Mitova BUL
1991 DTB Cup
1991 Dutch Open
1991 European Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 European Championships

Manako Miura JPN
1992 Olympic Games
1994 Asian Games
1995 World Championships

Dominique Moceanu USA
1993 US Olympic Festival
1994 US Championships
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1995 US Championships
1995 Visa Challenge
1995 World Championships
1995 US World Team Trials
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 US Championships
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Championships
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 US Championships
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships
1999 American Cup*
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup*

Noriko Mochikuki JPN
1987 World Championships

Andrea Molnar HUN
1991 European Cup
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Kristina Molnar HUM
1991 European Cup

Julie-Anne Monico AUS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 World Championships
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 Australian Championships

Ruth Moniz AUS
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1992 Australian Championships
1993 Australian Championships
1993 Nikon International
1994 Commonwealth Games
1996 Australia Cup

Arielle Monnier SWI
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Jennifer Montavez ESP
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 European Championships
1999 Cottbus Cup

Kimberly Moore CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Janet Morin CAN
1992 Olympic Games

Maiko Morio JPN
1986 DTB Cup

Lisa Moro AUS
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Australia Cup

Paula Moro ESP
1999 Australia vs Spain

Sara Moro ESP
1999 Australia vs Spain

Francesca Morotti ITA
1995 World Championships
1997 International 3-on-3

Olga Mostepanova URS
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1985 World Championships
1986 Daily Mirror USSR Display

Elena Mouhkina URS
1978 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1979 European Championships

Marion Mourier FRA
1997 Canberra Cup

Esther Moya ESP
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain

Samantha Muhleman USA
1994 US Olympic Festival

Bree Munro AUS
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos

Holly Murdock NIR
1998 Commonwealth Games

Nagayama JPN
1981 World Championships

Carrie Nagle USA
1999 American Classic

Petra Naibach SUI
1997 Swiss Cup
1998 Swiss Cup

Naoko Nakase JPN
1998 Australia vs Japan

Antonina Nakorneyeva UKR
1993 Diet Coke Mixed Duos
1993 Nikon International

Marlena Neacsu ROM
1978 Champions All

Maria Neculita ROM
1989 Cottbus Cup
1990 Dutch Open
1991 Dutch Open
1991 Sportsfair
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Marna Neubauer USA
1989 US Challenge

Ana Noya ESP
1994 Massilia Trophy

Dayami Nunez CUB
1991 Pan American Games

Adrienne Nyeste HUN
1995 American Cup
1995 DTB Cup
1995 Swiss Cup
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Brooke O’Brien AUS
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Canberra Cup

Yuki Ohata JPN
1996 Canberra Cup
1998 Asian Games

Masumi Okawa JPN
1994 Asian Games
1995 World Championships
1997 East Asian Games

Betty Okino USA
1990 DTB Cup
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 US Championships
1991 American Cup
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 US Netherlands Display
1991 World Championships
1992 American Cup*
1992 McDonalds Spectacular
1992 Olympic Games
1992 US Championships*
1992 US Olympic Trials*
1992 World Championships
1993 Suburu World Open

Eri Okumoto JPN
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Asian Games

Maria Olaru ROM
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 American Cup
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 International Team Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Netherlands-Romania
1999 World Championships
2000 Netherlands-Romania

Elena Olivetti ITA
1998 Junior European Championships

Oksana Omeliantchik URS
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1986 Kraft Invitational
1986 World Cup
1987 USSR Display
1987 World Championships
1988 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1988 US vs USSR

Nicoletta Onel ROM
1998 International Team Championships

Gabriella Onodi HUN
1998 European Championships

Henrietta Onodi HUN
1986 Kraft Invitational
1989 American Cup
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 Chunichi Cup
1990 DTB Cup
1990 European Championships
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 Tokyo Cup
1990 World Cup
1991 Chunichi Cup
1991 Tokyo Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 American Cup
1992 Olympic Games
1992 World Championships
1993 Suburu World Open
1996 Olympic Games

Jennifer Orlando USA
1999 American Classic

Marny Ostreng NOR
1998 European Championships

Sabine Otte GDR
1990 US vs East Germany

Chelsea Otto USA
1999 American Classic

Natalia Outchevanikina RUS
1999 Canberra Cup

Ezster Ovary HUN
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial
1988 Olympic Games
1989 World Championships
1995 World Championships

Rie Ozawa JPN
1992 Dodge Challenge

Mercedes Pachedo ESP
1994 World Championships
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Gyong-Sil Pak PRK
1992 Olympic Games

K. Panayotoya BUL
1992 Olympic Games

Lisa Panzironi USA
1987 Kraft Invitational
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1989 US Challenge

Luisa Parente BRA
1991 Pan American Games
1992 American Cup

J. Park KOR
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Ji Sook Park KOR
1988 Olympic Games

S.H. Park KOR
1999 Samboo International

Mirela Pasca ROM
1990 DTB Cup
1990 European Championships
1990 Romanian International
1991 World Championships
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Kirsten Pauga CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Gemma Paz ESP
1995 World Championships

Abby Pearson CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Elite Canada

Tanja Pechstein SUI
1993 Swiss Cup

C. Pedrini ITA
1995 World Championships

Gergana Peeva BUL
1987 Kraft Invitational
1989 World Championships

Christina Peleaz USA
1999 American Classic

Mirela Peneva
1993 Swiss Cup

Jaycie Phelps USA
1994 US Olympic Festival
1995 International Mixed Pairs
1995 US Championships
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 US vs France
1996 World Championships
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup

Robin Phelps USA
1999 American Classic
1999 US World Team Trials

Kristie Phillips USA
1986 American Cup
1986 International Mixed Pairs
1986 US Championships
1987 American Cup
1987 International Mixed Pairs
1987 Pan American Games
1987 US Championships
1987 US vs USSR
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 US vs USSR*
1989 World Championships*
1990 Magic and Mystery of Nadia
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1994 Skating and Gymnastics Spectacular
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup

Heidi Piccardi AUS
1999 Australian Championships

Andrea Pickens USA
1994 US Olympic Festival
1996 Australia Cup

Zhou Ping CHN
1984 US vs China

Yvonne Pioch GER
1996 Meese Cup

Yelena Piskun BLR
1993 American Cup
1993 Chunichi Cup
1993 Hilton Challenge
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 Tokyo Cup
1993 World Championships
1994 American Cup
1994 Birmingham Open
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 Hilton Challenge
1994 International Mixed Pairs
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 DTB Cup
1995 European Cup
1995 Swiss Cup
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 French International
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Swiss Cup
1996 World Championships
1997 European Masters
1997 Swiss Cup
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1997 World Championships
1997 World Pro Championships

Lenka Pitlovicova GDR
1985 World Championships

Kelly Pitzen USA
1989 US Olympic Festival

Vanessa van de Plas BE:
1994 Milk Gym Gala

Romina Plataroti ARG
1991 Pan American Games
1992 Olympic Games

Diana Plaza ESP
1995 World Championships
1997 Meese Cup

Lilia Podkopayeva UKR
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1994 American Cup
1994 World Championships
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 International Mixed Pairs
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 DTB Cup
1995 European Cup
1995 French International
1995 Swiss Cup
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 French International
1996 Milk Gym Gala
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 European Masters
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Reese’s International Cup
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 World Pro Championships
1998 World Pro Championships

A. Pohludkova TCH
1976 Olympic Games

Martina Polcrova TCH
1981 World Championships
1983 European Championships

Iveta Polokova TCH
1985 European Championships
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 World Championships
1986 Kraft Invitational
1987 DTB Cup
1988 Olympic Games
1989 World Championships
1990 Tokyo Cup
1992 Olympic Games

Alena Polozkova BLR
1996 Australia Cup
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 European Masters
1997 Meese Cup
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1997 Women’s Pro Championships
1998 Australia Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 Cottbus Cup
2000 American Cup
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Cara Pomeroy CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Celestina Popa ROM
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Eugenia Popa ROM
1990 Romanian International
1991 Sportsfair
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 Germany vs. Romania

Luisa Portocarrero GUA
1992 Olympic Games
1993 American Cup
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Annia Portumdo CUB
1993 World Championships
1996 World Championships

Ashley Postell USA
1998 Canberra Cup

Annette Potempt GER
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Gabriela Pototac ROM
1988 American Cup
1988 Arthur Gander Memorial
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 Dutch Open

Kristy Powell USA
1994 US Olympic Festival
1994 US vs Romania
1995 American Cup
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1997 US Championships
1998 International Team Championships
1998 International 3-on-3 Championships

Chloe Pragnell GBR
1995 Euro Youth

N. Prajanen FIN
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Claudia Presecan ROM
1995 World Championships
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 World Championships
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 European Championships
1998 International Team Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Samboo International

Anna Priakina URS
1987 European Championships

Ludmilla Prince LAT
1993 World Championships

Elena Produnova RUS
1995 World Championships
1996 Australia Cup
1996 France-Russia Display
1997 Asia vs Europe
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1997 Swiss Cup
1997 World Championships
1998 DTB Cup
1998 French International
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Swiss Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1998 World Pro Championships
1999 American Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 Samboo International
1999 Stars of the World
2000 American Cup
2000 France-Russia
2000 France-Russia Display
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Sarah Prosser AUS
1996 Canberra Cup

Breasha Pruit USA
1999 American Classic

Qin Qizhi CHN
1987 Kraft Invitational

Huang Qun CHN
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 World Championships

Andrea Raducan ROM
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Netherlands-Romania
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships
2000 Netherlands-Romania

Ivelina Raikova BUL
1988 Olympic Games

Nelly Ramassamy FRA
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 Junior European Championships

Marla Ranieri USA
1999 American Classic

Janine Rankin CAN
1988 Olympic Games
1990 Goodwill Games
1992 Olympic Games

Silvia Rau GDR
1983 European Championships

Elise Ray USA
1997 International Team Challenge (Jnr)
1997 US Championships
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 US Championships
1999 International Team Championships
1999 US Championships
1999 World Championships
1999 US World Team Trials
2000 Aussie Haircare

Lisa Read AUS
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Jana Reardon USA
1989 US Olympic Festival

Annika Reeder GBR
1994 Birmingham Open
1994 Commonwealth Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1996 European Championships
1996 French International
1996 Olympic Games
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 European Masters
1997 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 British Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 European Championships
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Great Britain vs.Spain
1999 British Championships
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix

Tania Rebagliata ITA
1995 World Championships

Elizabeth Reid USA
1993 US Championships

Summer Reid USA
1994 US Championships

Mary Lou Retton USA
1983 Emerald Cup
1984 US Championships
1985 American Cup
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1986 US vs USSR*
1989 World Championships*
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*

Sharon Revital ISR
1988 Olympic Games

Naima El Rhouati MAR
1996 Olympic Games

Jeana Rice USA
1999 American Classic

Kate Richardson CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Pan American Games

Robin Richter USA
1987 US Olympic Festival
1989 US Challenge

Hana Ricna TCH
1983 European Championships
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Kristin Riffanct USA
1999 American Classic

Karen Robb GBR
1978 Champions All

Chrystel Robert FRA
1986 International Mixed Pairs

Rowena Roberts GBR
1992 Champions All
1992 Olympic Games

Laura Robertson NZE
1998 Commonwealth Games

Giordana Rocchi ITA
1995 World Championships

Evgenia Roghina RUS
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 Women’s Pro Championships

Marie Roethlisberger USA
1984 US Championships
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 US Championships
1986 US Championships

Jenny Roland FRA
1992 Olympic Games

Ruth Rollin ESP
1992 Olympic Games

Katie Rowland CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Alison Rudisi CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships

Eva Rueda ESP
1987 Kraft Invitational
1989 World Championships
1990 European Championships
1990 Goodwill Games
1991 European Cup
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Magali Ruffato FRA
1997 Massilia Trophy

Yang Rui CHN
1993 Australian Championships

Zhou Rui CHN
1996 Meese Cup

Claudia Rusan ROM
1993 Nikon International

Olga Ruschupkina UKR
1998 Copa Gymnastica
1998 Junior European Championships
1999 World Championships

Breanne Rutherford USA
1999 American Classic

Yelena Ryzikova UKR
1996 Canberra Cup

Yuliya Sabko BLR
1995 World Championships
1998 Australia Cup
1998 DTB Cup
1998 Pusan Inernational
1999 Stars of the World

Hitomi Sakai JPN
1992 Dodge Challenge

Makiko Sanada JPN
1987 World Championships

Illenia Santoni ITA
1996 Meese Cup

Sierra Sapunar USA
1997 US Championships
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1999 American Classic

Jekaterina Savenkova EST
1994 World Championships

Elena Savko BLR
1997 American Cup
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 European Championships

Elena Sazonenkova URS
1989 US vs USSR
1989 World Championships

Lyubov Scheremeta UKR
1995 Euro Youth
1996 European Championships
1997 Meese Cup

Amy Scherr USA
1989 US Olympic Festival
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 US Championships
1990 US vs USSR

Natascha Schnell SUI
1993 Swiss Cup
1995 Swiss Cup
1997 Swiss Cup

Diana Schroder GER
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Anke Schoenfelder GDR/GER
1990 US vs East Germany
1991 DTB Cup
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Birgit Schweigert GER
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 DTB Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Tasha Schwikert USA
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials
2000 American Cup
2000 Aussie Haircare
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Tanya Service USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Kyoko Seo JPN
1987 World Championships
1990 Chunichi Cup
1992 Olympic Games
1993 East Asian Games

V. Servente ITA
1992 Olympic Games

Isabelle Severino FRA
1994 French Championships
1995 World Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 US vs France
1996 World Championships
1997 Golden Challenge Dual
1998 European Championships

Jennifer Sey USA
1985 US Championships
1986 US Championships
1987 International Mixed Pairs
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour

Peng Sha CHN
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Canberra Cup
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships

Kylie Shadbolt AUS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1991 World Championships
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Olena Shaparia UKR
1996 Olympic Games

Sharon Shapiro USA
1983 American Pro Classic

Yelena Shapornaya UKR
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Natalia Shaposhnikova URS
1978 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1979 European Championships
1980 Daily Mirror USSR Display

Molly Shawen USA
1990 US Olympic Festival
1991 US Olympic Festival

Elena Shevchenko URS
1989 US Olympic Gold
1991 World Pro Championships

Miho Shinoda JPN
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1987 World Championships
1989 World Championships

Albina Shitchova
1983 European Championships

Inga Shkarupa UKR
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 Wild Rose Invitational
1998 European Championships
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Stars of the World
1999 World Championships
2000 Aussie Haircare
2000 American Cup

Alexia Shore CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Yelena Shoushounova URS
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1986 World Cup
1987 European Championships
1987 USSR Display
1987 World Championships
1988 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1988 Olympic Games
1989 USSR Display*
1991 World Pro Championships

Kathleen Shrieves USA
1997 International Team Challenge

Danielle Silivas ROM
1985 American Cup
1985 DTB Cup
1985 European Championships
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 World Championships
1986 DTB Cup
1986 World Cup
1987 DTB Cup
1987 European Championships
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1991 World Pro Championships

Lisa Simes CAN
1994 Commonwealth Games

Rochelle Simpson CAN
1998 Wild Rose Invitational

Melanie Sinclair USA
1999 American Classic

Natalia Sirenko UKR
1996 Canberra Cup

Lisa Skinner AUS
1997 US vs Australia
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Commonwealth Games
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials

Joanna Skowronska POL
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 Swiss Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Samboo International

Allana Slater AUS
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Australia vs Japan
1998 Commonwealth Games
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials
1999 World Championships
2000 Aussie Haircare

Sylvia Smal HOL
1990 Dutch Open

Jenny Smith AUS
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 Aus World Championships Trials

Tina Snowdon USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Alexandra Soler FRA
1995 Massilia Trophy
1997 Massilia Trophy

Alyssa Solomon USA
1986 US Championships

Tracy Sommer USA
1992 Asia-Pacific Games

Hope Spivey USA
1986 US Championships
1986 US vs USSR
1987 US Championships
1987 US vs USSR
1987 US/USSR Goodwill Tour
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 US Olympic Gold

Chelle Stack USA
1988 American Cup
1988 Carolinas Invitational
1988 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US Championships
1988 US Olympic Trials
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials
1989 World Championships*
1990 US vs East Germany
1991 Pan American Games
1991 US Championships
1991 US Olympic Festival
1991 US vs Romania

Mihaela Stanulet
1983 European Championships

Gina Stallone USA
1983 Emerald Cup

Kathleen Stark GDR/GER
1990 Goodwill Games
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games
1996 Olympic Games

Marlene Stephens USA
1997 US Championships
1999 American Classic
1999 US Championships

Larissa Stewart USA
1999 American Classic

Liudmila Stobvichataia URS/UKR
1989 US Olympic Gold
1991 American Cup
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 Seiko Grand Prix
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 World Championships

Borjana Stojanova BUL
1983 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 International Mixed Pairs
1986 Kraft Invitational
1988 Champions All
1988 Olympic Games

Erika Stokes USA
1989 US Olympic Festival
1990 US Championships

Cindy Stoller SUI
1996 Swiss Cup
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 Swiss Cup

Beata Storczer ROM
1985 European Championships
1988 American Cup
1988 Olympic Games

Rebecca Stoyel AUS
1994 Commonwealth Games

Julia Stratmann GER
1994 World Championships

Olga Strazheva URS
1987 American Cup
1987 International Mixed Pairs
1988 Olympic Games
1988 US vs USSR
1989 European Championships
1989 World Championships
1990 Dutch Open

Lori Strong CAN
1988 Olympic Games
1989 Cottbus Cup
1989 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Kerri Strug USA
1990 Dutch Open
1991 US Championships
1991 US Netherlands Display
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 International Mixed Pairs
1992 Olympic Games
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials
1992 World Championships
1993 American Cup
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1993 Swiss Cup
1993 US Championships
1993 US Olympic Festival
1993 World Championships
1994 US Championships*
1994 World Championships (Dortmund)
1995 US Championships
1995 US Olympic Festival
1995 World Championships
1995 US World Team Trials
1996 Olympic Games
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*

Risa Sugawara JPN
1993 East Asian Games
1994 Asian Games
1995 Chunichi Cup
1995 World Championships
1998 Asian Games
1998 World Cup (Sabae)

Kim Gwang Suk PRK
1991 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games
1993 East Asian Games

Xiaojiao Sun CHN
1997 Cottbus Cup
1999 Canberra Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup

Karin Szymko GBR/ENG
1994 Commonwealth Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Tracy Summer USA
1992 US Olympic Trials

Karin Symko GBR
1993 Birmingham Classic

Ekaterina Szabo ROM
1983 European Championships
1985 DTB Cup
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 DTB Cup
1987 World Championships
1990 Romanian International

Tracee Talavara USA
1981 World Championships
1983 Emerald Cup
1984 US Championships

Brittany Talbert USA
1999 Canberra Cup

Kylie Tanner AUS
1999 Canberra Cup

Svetlana Tarasevich BLR
1994 World Championships
1994 Hilton Challenge
1996 Olympic Games

Nadjezda Tarvida LAT
1994 World Championships

Michelle Telfer AUS
1991 Seiko Grand Prix

Katie Teft USA
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 Visa Challenge

G.  Tempou GRE
1995 World Championships

Olga Teslenko UKR
1996 Olympic Games
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 International 3-on-3
1997 Swiss Cup
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Swiss Cup
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 World Championships

Elvire Teza FRA
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 French International
1995 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships
1996 France-Russia Display
1996 French International
1996 Olympic Games
1996 US vs France
1997 American Cup
1997 European Masters
1997 Massilia Trophy
1997 World Championships
1998 American Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 International 3-on-3 Championships
2000 France-Russia

Brittany Thome USA
1999 American Classic

Kristin Thome USA
1997 US Championships
1999 American Classic

Doni Thompson USA
1993 US Championships
1994 US Championships
1994 US Olympic Festival
1994 US vs Romania
1995 US Championships
1995 US World Team Trials

Jennie Thompson USA
1993 US Championships
1993 US Olympic Festival
1994 American Cup*
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 US Championships
1996 US vs France
1997 US Championships
1998 US Championships
1999 American Classic
1999 American Cup
1999 International 3-on-3
1999 International Team Championships
1999 Pan American Games
1999 US Championships

Sarah Thompson NZL
1994 Commonwealth Games

Darte Thumler GDR
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Laura Timmins GBR
1991 Seiko Grand Prix

S. Todorova BUL
1992 Olympic Games

Kaori Tokuna JPN
1997 East Asian Games
1998 World Cup (Sabae)

Rebecca Toledano ESP
1999 Australia vs Spain
1999 International 3-on-3

Cindy Tom USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

S. Tomoaschko GER
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Anita Tomulevska NOR
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Christine Tonry USA
1990 US Olympic Festival

T. Toropova URS/KGZ
1991 DTB Cup
1994 Asian Games

T. Tougikova URS
1987 World Championships

L. Tourischeva URS
1976 Olympic Games

Chantelle Tousek CAN
1998 Canada Elite Championships

Yvonne Tousek CAN
1996 Olympic Games
1996 Swiss Cup
1998 Canada Elite Championships
1998 Sagit Cup
1999 Elite Canada
1999 Pan American Games
1999 World Championships

Vassilliki Tsavdaridou GRE
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 French International
1995 World Championships
1996 European Championships

V. Tsubarko EST
1992 European Championships

Mariana Tudor ROM
1986 American Cup
1986 American Cup

Mirela Tugurlan ROM
1995 Euro Youth
1995 Junior International
1996 Australia Cup
1996 Olympic Games

Donna Turnbow USA
1978 Champions All

Elizabeth Tweddle GBR
1999 Canberra Cup

Galina Tyryk UKR
1997 Massilia Trophy
1998 European Championships

Camelia Ubinea ROM
1987 World Championships

Amanda Uherek USA
1989 US Olympic Festival

Stella Umeh CAN
1992 Olympic Games
1993 World Championships
1994 Commonwealth Games

Corina Ungureanu ROM
1997 International Team Challenge
1998 European Championships
1998 International Team Championships
1998 Milk Gym Gala
2000 Netherlands-Romania

Georgina Ungureanu ROM
1995 Euro Youth

T. Ungureanu ROM
1976 Olympic Games

Kristin Uransky USA
1999 American Classic

Magdalena Urban POL
1991 European Cup

Kristal Uzelac USA
1998 Canberra Cup
1999 American Classic
1999 US Championships

Ann Maree Vallance AUS
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials

Elisabeth Valle ESP
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1996 Olympic Games

Lindsay Vandeneykel USA
1999 Canberra Cup

Adrienn Varga HUN
1996 Swiss Cup
1997 Cottbus Cup
1997 Swiss Cup
1998 Arthur Gander Memorial
1998 DTB Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 French International
1998 Glasgow Grand Prix
1998 Goodwill Games
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 Swiss Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 Cottbus Cup

Venislava Vasileva BUL
1997 European Masters

Vedenitcharova BUL
1988 Olympic Games
1989 World Championships
1992 Olympic Games

M. Vellskova TCH
1988 Olympic Games

Holly Vise USA
1999 American Classic

Ludmila Vitiskova BLR
1996 Olympic Games

Franka Voigt
1983 European Championships

Camelia Voinea BUL
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1985 World Championships
1986 World Cup
1987 European Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Emilie Volle FRA
1997 Massilia Trophy
2000 France-Russia

Giulia Volpi ITA
1985 International Mixed Pairs
1989 World Championships
1991 World Championships
1992 European Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Holly Voorheis USA
1989 US Championships

Nicola Waite HK
1994 Commonwealth Games

Brooke Walker AUS
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1997 US vs Australia
1998 Aus Commonwealth Games Trials
1998 Australia Cup
1998 Pacific Alliance Championships
1999 Australian Championships
1999 Aus World Championships Trials
1999 World Championships

Wenjing Wang CHN
1988 Olympic Games

Jane Warrilow AUS
1992 Australian Championships
1992 Olympic Games

Kara Waterhouse USA
1999 American Classic

Cheryl Weatherstone GBR
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Marianna Webster USA
1993 US Olympic Festival
1994 Goodwill Games
1994 US vs Romania

Jiang Wei CHN
1987 International Mixed Pairs

Jingjing Wei CHN
1998 Canberra Cup

Liu Wei CHN
1998 Australia Cup
2000 Aussie Haircare

Gabby Weller GER
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1992 Germany vs. Romania
1992 Olympic Games

Suanna Wells USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Fan Wen CHN
1998 Australia Cup

Karli Wendorff CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Lucy Wener USA
1984 US vs China

Bi Wenjing CHN
1995 Visa Challenge
1996 Olympic Games
1997 Swiss Cup
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 East Asian Games
1997 World Championships
1998 Asian Games
1998 French International
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 World Cup (Sabae)

Zhang Wenning CHN
1990 Goodwill Games
1992 Asia-Pacific Games

Christine Wetzel FRG
1987 DTB Cup

Jessica White AUS
1999 Canberra Cup

Morgan White USA
1999 American Classic
1999 Pan American Games
1999 US Championships
1999 US World Team Trials
2000 American Cup
2000 RCA Gymnastics Challenge

Baerbel Wielgoss GDR
1989 World Championships
1990 US vs East Germany

Joyce Wilborne USA
1986 US Championships
1987 US Championships
1987 US Olympic Festival

Melissa Wilcox AUS
1996 Canberra Cup
1997 Canberra Cup
1998 Commonwealth Games
1998 Great Britain vs.Spain

Fieke Willems NED
1998 European Championships

Rebecca Wilson AUS
1997 US vs Australia
1998 Australia vs Japan

Anja Wilhelm FRG
1985 DTB Cup
1986 DTB Cup
1987 DTB Cup
1987 European Championships
1991 World Pro Championships

Salli Wills AUS
1994 Commonwealth Games
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Therese Wilmink
1983 European Championships

Rebecca Wilson AUS
1996 Australia Cup
1999 Australian Championships

Lindsay Wing USA
1997 Canberra Cup
1997 International Team Challenge (Jnr)
1997 US Championships
1997 US vs Australia
1998 International 3-on-3 Championships

Carolyn Witherspoon CAN
1997 Wild Rose Invitational

Elizabeth Wong AUS
1999 Australian Championships

Ka Li Wong HK
1994 Commonwealth Games

Shirley Wong USA
1983 American Pro Classic

Stephanie Woods USA
1990 US Olympic Festival
1991 Pan American Games
1992 Champions All
1992 Dodge Challenge

Sandy Woolsey USA
1989 US Championships
1989 US World Team Trials
1989 US vs USSR
1989 World Championships
1990 American Cup
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US Championships
1990 US vs East Germany
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 US Championships

Anne Woynerowski USA
1990 US Olympic Festival
1991 Pan American Games

Jiani Wu CHN
1981 World Championships
1984 US vs China

Yuan Xexia CHN
1994 Massilia Trophy

Zhang Xian CHN
1990 Goodwill Games
1991 American Cup
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1992 Olympic Games

Zhou Xiaoling CHN
1980 Coca-Cola Gymnastics

Wang Xiaoyang CHN
1987 DTB Cup
1987 World Championships
1988 Olympic Games

Weng Xin CHN
1994 Asian Games
1997 International Team Challenge

Liu Xuan CHN
1994 Asian Games
1995 Atlanta Invitational
1995 Visa Challenge
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games
1996 World Championships
1996 World Pro Team Championships
1997 East Asian Games
1997 International Team Challenge
1997 Swiss Cup
1997 World Championships
1998 Asian Games
1998 French International
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 American Cup
1999 International 3-on-3
1999 World Championships

He Xuemei CHN
1992 Olympic Games
1993 American Cup
1993 International Mixed Pairs
1993 World Championships
1994 Asian Games
1994 Hilton Challenge

Qiao Ya CHN
1994 American Cup
1994 Asian Games
1994 Massilia Trophy
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Yoko Yamanaka JPN
1987 Kraft Invitational

Kana Yamawaki JPN
1998 Australia vs Japan

Yanli CHN
1985 DTB Cup

Doe Yamashiro USA
1988 US vs USSR

Li Yan CHN
1991 World Championships

Liang Yan CHN
1999 International Team Championships

Tatiana Yarosh UKR
1999 World Championships

Peng Yi CHN
1996 Canberra Cup

L. Yie CHN
1995 World Championships

Li Yifang CHN
1991 World Championships
1992 International Mixed Pairs
1992 Olympic Games

Tabitha Yim USA
1999 American Classic

Jin Ying CHN
1997 International Team Challenge

Zeng Yingzi CHN
1986 American Cup
1986 International Mixed Pairs

Nicolle Young USA
1987 US Olympic Festival

Jin Yu CHN
1994 Goodwill Games

Kui YuanYuan CHN
1996 Olympic Games
1997 East Asian Games
1997 Swiss Cup
1997 World Championships
1998 Asian Games
1998 Sagit Cup
1998 French International
1998 World Cup (Sabae)
1999 Samboo International

Y. Yulian PUR
1994 World Championships (Brisbane)

Guan Yuquing CHN
1992 Asia-Pacific Games
1994 Hilton Challenge

Olga Yurkina BLR
1993 Nikon International
1993 San Jose Spectacular
1994 Massilia Trophy
1995 World Championships
1996 Olympic Games

Yulia Yurkina BLR
1993 Nikon International
1993 San Jose Spectacular

Natalia Yurtchenko URS
1983 European Championships
1984 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1985 European Championships
1985 World Championships
1986 Daily Mirror USSR Display
1991 World Pro Championships

Zaharova URS
1981 World Championships

A. Zaitseva KAZ
1994 Asian Games

Elena Zamolodchikova RUS
1992 Gold Reef City Invitational
1997 Cottbus Cup
1998 European Championships
1998 Swiss Cup
1998 Wild Rose Invitational
1999 Cottbus Cup
1999 Glasgow Grand Prix
1999 Samboo International
1999 World Championships
2000 France-Russia Display

Maria Zassypkina RUS
1999 Canberra Cup

Svetlana Zelepukina UKR
1996 Olympic Games

Eka Zeturidze URS
1986 US vs USSR

Tasiana Zharkanava BLR
1999 World Championships

Zu Zheng CHN
1981 World Championships

Duan Zhou CHN
1997 World Championships

Nadja Zichfreund GER
1995 DTB Cup

Zius GDR
1981 World Championships

Kim Zmeskal USA
1989 US Olympic Festival
1990 American Cup
1990 DTB Cup
1990 Goodwill Games
1990 International Mixed Pairs
1990 US Championships
1990 US vs USSR
1991 American Cup
1991 International Mixed Pairs
1991 US Championships
1991 US Netherlands Display
1991 US vs Romania
1991 World Championships
1992 American Cup
1992 International Mixed Pairs
1992 McDonalds Spectacular
1992 Olympic Games
1992 US Championships
1992 US Olympic Trials
1992 World Championships
1993 Suburu World Open
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1994 US vs Romania*
1995 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1995 Superstars of Gymnastics
1995 US Championships*
1996 Olympic Games*
1997 Battle of the Sexes
1997 Olympic Gold Medal Reunion
1997 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup
1998 Rock and Roll Gymnastics
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics*
1998 US Championships
1998 Women’s Pro Championships
1999 Reese’s Gymnastics Cup

Elena Zshvyhova UKR
1997 Massilia Trophy

Tunde Zsilinszkiy
1983 European Championships
1987 Kraft Invitational

Ylena Zulkova UKR
1997 Wild Rose Invitational