Language: English
Commercials?: no
Channel: NBC
Time: 1:28
This is another "psuedo-exhibition" with celebrity judges and all routines to music, and crazy props and costumes.
Amanda Borden and Jaycie Phelps on the ASU campus
Highlights of rhythmic competition
Interview with Dominique Moceanu/recap of her troubles
profile on Kim Zmeskal's love life
Kim Zmeskal: BB, FX
Kristie Phillips: FX, BB
Amanda Borden: UB, FX
Amy Chow: BB, FX
Vanessa Atler: BB, FX
Jaycie Phelps: UB, BB
Blaine Wilson: FX, R
Chris Waller: R, HB
Jason Gatson: R, HB
Chainey Umphrey: HB, FX
John McReady: HB, FX
Kip Simons: R, FX