Language: English
Commercials?: no
Channel: Rogers cable
Time: 1:22
This is a Canadian meet that, along with the Canadian
Nationals, determines the Canadian National team
Women's All-Around
Kim Allan: FX
Julie Beaulieu: VT, UB, FX
Jennifer Charlesbois: UB
Michelle Conway: VT, UB, BB, FX
Emilie Fournier: BB, FX
Crystal Gilmore: BB, FX, UB
Veronique Leclerq: UB, FX
Lise Leveille: UB, FX
Abby Pearson: VT, UB
Kate Richardson: VT, BB
Katie Rowland: UB
Alison Rudisi: VT, BB, FX
Chantelle Tousek: BB, UB
Yvonne Tousek: VT, FX