1997 World Professional Gymnastic Championships
Portland, ME

Language: English
Commercials?: some
Channel: CBS
Time: 1:21

Tape notes: I only have the women for this competition. Of the women, I am missing the first rotation on the second day. There is also a "video blip" during Amanda Borden's FX

interview with Bela Karolyi

Svetlana Boginskaya: VT, UB, FX, FX
Amanda Borden: VT, UB, FX, FX
Amy Chow: VT, UB, FX, FX
Dominique Dawes: VT, UB, FX, FX
Shannon Miller: VT, UB, FX, FX
Dominique Moceanu: VT, UB, FX, FX
Elena Piskun: VT, UB, FX, FX
Lilia Podkopayeva: VT, UB, FX, FX