1997 Battle of the Sexes
Tuscon, AZ

Language: English
Commercials?: yes
Channel: ESPN
Time: 2:00

This is another "psuedo-exhibition" with celebrity judges.


Amanda Borden: FX, UB
Amy Chow: FX, BB, UB
Dominique Dawes: UB, FX, BB
Shannon Miller: UB, FX, BB
Dominique Moceanu: UB, BB, FX
Kerri Strug: BB, UB
Kim Zmeskal: BB, FX


Mihai Bagui: R, FX, HB
John MacReady: HB, FX
John Roethlisberger: HB, R
Kip Simons: R, FX
Chainey Umphrey: R, HB, FX
Chris Waller: FX, R, HB
Blaine Wilson: HB, FX, R