1996 Olympic Gala
Atlanta, GA
Language: Japanese (unless you count the English you canhear
in the background)
Commercials?: none
Time: 1:27
Tape notes: although the picture is very good, the sound is very and very
This is alternative coverage of the Atlanta Olympic Gala from the Japanese NHK coverage. Some of the performances shown are:
Dan Burinca ROM: R
Yuri Chechi ITA: R
Amy Chow USA: UB, UB
Szilveszter Csollany HUN: R
Dominique Dawes USA: FX
Krasimir Douney BUL: HB
Mo Huilan CHN: UB
Svetlana Khorkina RUS: UB
Donghua Li SUI: PH
Jair Lynch USA: PB, HB
Shannon Miller USA: FX, BB
Lavinia Milosivici ROM: FX
Alexei Nemov RUS: FX, PH
Maria Petrova BUL: Ball
Lilia Podkopayeva UKR: BB, FX
Vitaly Scherbo BLR: PB
Rustam Sharipov UKR: PB
Marius Urzica ROM: PH
Andreas Wecker GER: HB
Li Xioashuang CHN: FX, PH
other performances are:
group rhythmic hoop performance
rhythmic rope performance
mixed floor sports aerobics
Russian men on floor, US women on BB
tumbling performance
ribbon and ball group performance
Chinese acrobats
US women floor group (Macarena)