1994 US National Championships
Nashville, TN
Language: English
Commercials?: Yes
Women's All-Around
Time: 1:00
Highlights of Junior Competition including:
Donnie Thompson: UB
Dominique Moceanu: BB, UB
Women's Event Finals
Time: 1:00
Tape notes: There are T-storm warnings throughout this event, and there
are brief video difficulties during the UB.
Profile: Kerri Strug (coaching changes and her injury)
Amy Chow
Dominique Dawes
Shannon Miller
Balance Beam
Dominique Dawes
Shannon Miller
Summer Reid
Jennie Thompson
Uneven Bars
Jenni Beathard
Amanda Borden
Dominique Dawes
Shannon Miller
Floor Excercise
Amanda Borden
Dominique Dawes
Shannon Miller
Jennie Thompson